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Correspondence on holding the Third Indira Gandhi Conference in New Delhi from 4–7 February 1991, and correspondence on the election manifesto of the Indian National Congress

Letter to PM Bhargava by Rajiv Gandhi on holding the Third Indira Gandhi Conference in New Delhi from 4-7 February, 1991, and letter by PM Bhargava to Rajiv Gandhi regarding the election manifesto of the Indian National Congress dated May 14, 1991.

Correspondence regarding publishing a paper in the Journal of General Virology, brochure and invitation of a public conference on 'Risks and prevention of AIDS the Indian and the German Experience' held on 26th November, 1994 at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan and paper found with the conference.

A letter to the editorial office of the journal by PM Bhargava regarding publishing a paper by Gopal Pande, handwritten notes, a brochure, and an invitation to the public conference with an envelope and a paper by Iqbal Gill and Rao Valivety was found with the conference.

Correspondence pertaining to attendance of 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996 - May to August

This file consists of correspondence pertaining to the attendance of 'The World Philosophers Meet', which was held in Pune from 24 to 30 November, 1996, on the occasion of the 700th death anniversary of Sanjeevan Samadhi of Saint Jnaneshwara. This file consists of correspondence from May to August 1996. This file contains letters either addressed to or written by SS Barlingay, Executive Adviser of the meeting's organizing committee, Professor Emeritus of Pune University, Jayant V Narlikar, Director of the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, and many others. We have retained all the enclosures in their original form. This file also contains a faded faxed letter with annotations and a short handwritten note.

Printed materials pertaining to 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996 - file 1

This file consist of a brochure pertaining to 'The World Philosophers Meet', which was held in Pune from 24 to 30 November, 1996, on the occasion of the 700th death anniversary of Sanjeevan Samadhi of Saint Jnaneshwara. This file also contains a pamphlet and another brochure titled, 'Shri Brahma Chaitanya Maharaj Gondavalekar (1845 - 1913)' and 'Development Education (International) Society', respectively, which was found in the original file and are retained in the end part of the file.

Documents pertaining to 'Atheist Society of India : 8th A.P. State Conference'

This file consists of documents pertaining to the attendance of the 'Atheist Society of India: 8th A.P. State Conference', which was held on 30 May and 31 June, 1999. The letters in this file are addressed to or written by RSV Murali of the Atheist Society of India and PM Bhargava. This file also has an invitation card, a handwritten note, and a short inauguration speech that is retained at the end of the file.

Inaugural speech delivered by PM Bhargava at Atheist Society of India : 8th A.P. State Conference - file 1

This file contains documents pertaining to the printing of the inaugural speech delivered at the Atheist Society of India : 8th A.P. State Conference, held on 30 May and 31 June, 1999, at Vishakhapatnam. This file contains letters either addressed to or written by Jaya Gopal of the Atheist Society of India and PM Bhargava. One of the letters penned by Bhargava originally had two fair copies of the same speech as the enclosure; however, only one is saved. This file also includes a small handwritten note, which we have retained as found.

Correspondence pertaining to invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', - file 3

This file contains correspondence related to the invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science' on 8 - 9 April, 2000, in the auditorium of the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad. Additional related files can be found in the files titled 'Correspondence pertaining to invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', - file 1, file 2, file 4, file 5', 'Minutes of the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', and 'Poster of the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science',.

Correspondence pertaining to invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', - file 5

This file contains correspondence related to the invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science' on 8 - 9 April, 2000, in the auditorium of the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad. Additional related files can be found in the files titled 'Correspondence pertaining to invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', - file 1, file 2, file 3, file 4', 'Minutes of the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', and 'Poster of the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science',.

Minutes of the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science',

This file contains minutes of the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science' on 8 - 9 April, 2000, in the auditorium of the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad. Additional related files can be found in the files titled 'Correspondence pertaining to invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', - file 1, file 2, file 3, file 4, file 5', and 'Poster of the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science',.

Correspondence regarding the invitation to a national convention organized by the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology

This file contains correspondence regarding the invitation to the 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: Earth Democracy - National Convention on Community Rights to Natural Resources and the Constitution' held by the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology in collaboration with Navdanya and Diverse Women for Diversity from 10 - 11 August, 2002.

Correspondence on the invitation given to PM Bhargava to participate in a conference during Asian Social Forum

This file contains correspondence of the invitation given to PM Bhargava to participate in a conference themed as 'Ecology, Culture and Knowledge' and the conference titled as 'Defending People's Rights to Resources' during the Asian Social Forum in 2 - 7 January, 2003 to be held in Hyderabad. The Asian Social Forum is a follow up of two successful World Social Forum events organized in Porto Alegre and the decision to have regional and thematic events. Additional related documents can be found in the file titled 'Documentation about the World Social Forum and Asian Social Forum'

Documentation about the World Social Forum and Asian Social Forum

This file contains documents related to the World Social Forum, which is "an open meeting place for reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, formulation of proposals, free exchange of experiences and inter linking for effective action by groups and movements of civil society that are opposed to neo-liberalism and to domination of the world by capital and any form of imperialism, and are committed to building a building society centered on the human person". (From the WSF Charter of Principles). The III World Social Forum was held at Porto Alegre from January 23 - 28, 2003 and was organized by WSF International Council. The Asian Social Forum was organized by WSF India, and held in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, between 2 - 7 January, 2003. Additional related documents can be found in the file titled 'Correspondence on the invitation given to PM Bhargava to participate in a conference during Asian Social Forum'

Conference Papers of the National Conference held at Hyderabad

This file contains conference papers of the national conference on 'Indian Democracy: Contemporary Threats and Challenges' at Hyderabad on 22 - 23 August, 2003. Additional files related to the conference can be found in the file titled 'Correspondence regarding the invitation of PM Bhargava to participate in the national conference held at Hyderabad on August 22 to 23, 2003'.

Correspondence pertaining to attendance at first 'International Conference on Ethics, Science, and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' from 2004 - file 2

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the first 'International Conference on Ethics, Science and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' at London, UK, held from 29 September - 1 October, 2004. All the letters and printouts of emails are from August to September 2004. This contains letters or printouts of emails either addressed to or written by NC Saxena, Deputy Director General of the Indian Council of Medical Science, Bob G Edwards, Chief Editor of Reproductive BioMedicine Online, UK, and many more. A few letters in this file have enclosures, which are retained as found. One of the enclosure is a hotel booking form. Two copies of the same letter are preserved since they have different annotations on them. This also has a small handwritten note.

Correspondence pertaining to attendance at first 'International Conference on Ethics, Science, and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' from 2004 - October

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the first 'International Conference on Ethics, Science, and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' in London, UK, held from 29 September - 1 October, 2004. All the letters and printouts of emails are from October 2004. This contains letters or printouts of emails either addressed to or written by RC Srivastava, Scientist 'G' of the Department of Science and Technology, India, SV Sarma, Under Secretary of the Head of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, and many more. A few letters in this file have enclosures, which are retained as found. The letter addressed to RC Srivastava also has an 'Application for Travel Support' as an attachment. This also has a letter from Eric Scott Sills and Gianpiero D Palermo asking PM Bhargava to consider submitting a manuscript for their Journal of Experimental and Clinical Assisted Reproduction.

Documents pertaining to attendance at first 'International Conference on Ethics, Science, and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' from 2004 - October - file 6

This file contains the sixth part of the enclosure. This file contains the original as well as duplicate copies of the tickets. This file also includes a few photocopies of checks and an original copy of a small bill and a few handwritten notes. All the documents except the original tickets are numbered.

Newspapers related to the Jana Vignana Vedika annual conference

This file contains leaflets for the annual conference organized by Jana Vignana Vedika on 8 - 9 May, 2004 in Hyderabad. Additional files related to the conference can be found in the file titled 'Correspondence on the invitation made to PM Bhargava to be Chairman of a committee for the annual conference of Jana Vignana Vedika', 'Magazine for the Jana Vignana Vedika's annual conference' and 'Brochures and pamphlets for the Jana Vignana Vedika's annual conference'

Correspondence regarding the invitation extended to PM Bhargava by the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation to attend a meeting in Delhi - file 2

This file contains an oversized document pertaining to PM Bhargava's invitation to attend a meeting held in Delhi by the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation from 20 - 24 November, 2004 to examine the current relevance and application of the International Commission on Peace and Food (ICPF) recommendations to India and the world in the first decade of the twenty-first century. The files named 'Correspondence regarding the invitation extended to PM Bhargava by the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation to attend a meeting in Delhi- file 1' and 'Paper abstracts for the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation meeting' contain additional meeting-related files.

Correspondence pertaining to attendance at second and third 'International Conference on Ethics, Science and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' from 2005 - October to December

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the second and third 'International Conference on Ethics, Science, and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' held in April 2006 and 19 - 20 November, 2006, in Istanbul and Bombay, respectively. The letters and printouts of emails in this file are from October to December 2005. All letters or printouts of emails in this file are either addressed to or written by Robert G Edwards, Chief Editor, Reproductive BioMedicine Online. Two letters have almost similar enclosures, which are both retained since one of the enclosures has an annotation and the other is the fair copy. The last few letters in this file are about the second 'International Conference on Ethics, Science, and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction'.

Documents pertaining to 6th world atheist conference

This file consists of documents pertaining to the 6th World Atheist Conference that was organized by the Atheist Centre, Vijayawada, on 5 January, 2007. This file includes documents such as a letter of invitation from the conference's convenors, Vijayaram Samaram, Maru, and Vikas Gora, a programme list, and a small invitation card.

Correspondence on the invitation made to PM Bhargava to make the keynote address at the AMSB Knowledge Management Seminar

This file contains correspondence between PM Bhargava and the organizers of KM-MCEME (Knowledge Management - Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering), inviting PM Bhargava to deliver the theme address at the AMSB Seminar on Knowledge Management, which took place at MCEME Secunderabad from 14 - 15 November, 2007. Additional related files to the seminar can be found in the file titled 'Brochures and a booklets of the AMSB Knowledge Management Seminar'.

Documents pertaining to attendance at 'World Congress on Fallopian Tubes' from 2007

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the 'World Congress on Fallopian Tubes' held at Taj Bengal and The Oberoi Grand, Kolkata, on 18 - 21 October, 2007. All the documents in this file are from January to August, 2007. The letters or printouts of emails in this file are either addressed to or written by Ovrang Djahanbakhch, Congress Chair, Organizing Secretary, Gautam Allahbadia, Congress President, and many more. This file also has a letter written by Sulbha Arora, Senior Clinical Associate and Director of the Oocyte Donation Program, Joint Organizing Secretary, which has the brochure for this event attached along with me.

Documents pertaining to attendance at 'PCOS 2008 Scientific Program' from 2007 - September to November

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the 'PCOS 2008 Scientific Program' held from 14 - 17 August 2008, in Goa. The letters and printouts of emails in this file are from September to November 2007. The letters or printouts of emails in this file are either addressed to or written by Gautam Allahbadia, Congress President of PCOS 2008, Sulbha Arora, Senior Clinical Associate of PCOS 2008, and many more. One of the printouts in this file has a handwritten letter on it. Two copies of the same letter are preserved since they have different annotations on them.

Documents pertaining to attendance at 'PCOS 2008 Scientific Program' from 2008 - March to July

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the 'PCOS 2008 Scientific Program' held from 14 - 17 August , 2008, in Goa. The letters and printouts of emails in this file are from March to July 2008. The letters or printouts of emails in this file are either addressed to or written by Sulbha Arora, Senior Clinical Associate of PCOS 2008, Goral Gandhi, Joint Organizing Secretary of PCOS 2008, and many more. A few of the letters and printouts of the emails in this file have enclosures, which are retained as found. One of the email printouts has copies of PM Bhargava's flight tickets as attachments. Most letters or printouts of emails have annotations on them. This file also includes a few handwritten notes.

Documents pertaining to attendance at workshop on surrogacy held by Ministry of Women and Child Development

This file contains documents pertaining to attendance at the half-day workshop, which was organized by the Ministry of Women and Child Development on June 25, 2008. The letters included in this file are all either written by or addressed to Loveleen Kaur, Joint Secretary at the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India.  One of the letters has an enclosure titled 'Surrogate Motherhood: A Draft Concept Note' that is dated 11 January, 2007. This file also contains photocopies of the flight tickets for reimbursement purposes. 

Correspondence on the invitation made to PM Bhargava to participate in a seminar organized by Alam Khundmiri Foundation

This file contains communication regarding PM Bhargava's invitation to attend the seminar on the theme 'Radical Enlightenment and the Socialist Alternative' organized by the Alam Khundmiri Foundation from 14 - 16 January, 2009. The seminar took place at the English and Foreign Languages University in Hyderabad.

Correspondence on the invitation of renowned scientists for the proposed seminar themed 'Science, Art, and Beauty' - file 1

This file contains communications between PM Bhargava and Shakti Maira regarding their plans to invite Richard Dawkins, Semir Seki, Roanne Dods, and other distinguished scientists to the proposed seminar titled 'Science, Art, and Beauty,' scheduled for 26 November, 2012. Additional documents pertaining to the proposed seminar are continued in files titled "Correspondence related to a proposal for a seminar titled 'Science, Art, and Beauty,' - file 1 and file 2, Correspondence discussing the framing of questions for the proposed seminar titled 'Science, Art, and Beauty,' - file 1 and file 2, Correspondence on the invitation of renowned scientists for the proposed seminar themed 'Science, Art, and Beauty' - file 2 and file 3."

Correspondence on the invitation of renowned scientists for the proposed seminar themed 'Science, Art, and Beauty' - file 2

This file contains communications between PM Bhargava and Shakti Maira regarding their plans to invite Richard Dawkins, Semir Seki, Roanne Dods, and other distinguished scientists to the proposed seminar titled 'Science, Art, and Beauty,' scheduled for 26 November, 2012. Additional documents pertaining to the proposed seminar are continued in files titled "Correspondence related to a proposal for a seminar titled 'Science, Art, and Beauty,' - file 1 and file 2, Correspondence discussing the framing of questions for the proposed seminar titled 'Science, Art, and Beauty' - file 1 and file 2, Correspondence on the invitation of renowned scientists for the proposed seminar themed 'Science, Art, and Beauty' - file 1 and file 3."

Documents pertaining to a 'International Conference on Reproductive Health'

Documents on 'International Conference on Reproductive Health with Emphasis on Strategies for Infertility, Assisted Reproduction, and Family Planning' and the 27th Meeting of the Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF). The Indian Council of Medical Research organized this event in collaboration with the Department of Health Research, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the Ministry of Ayush, the Department of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and numerous other organizations. This file contains a brochure for the same, with a registration and accommodation form inside the brochure. A few handwritten notes penned by PM Bhargava.

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