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Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1978 - June - file 3

This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. These letters are from June 1978. This file contains letters either addressed to or written by YS Rajan, Assistant Scientific Secretary of ISRO, VS Murthy of CCMB, and many more. The letter from VS Murthy has a telegram from YS Rajan and a booklet as enclosures, which are retained as found. The papers included within the booklet are extracted, while the cover is kept separately in the file labelled 'Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1978 - June - file 4' to enhance its preservation. The majority of the papers in this booklet are already included in previous files; however, they are kept to preserve the arrangement of the booklet.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1978 - June - file 4

This file consists of the cover of the booklet titled 'Life Sciences Flight Investigations on Space Shuttle/Spacelab Missions (NASA)' for better preservation. The documents inside the booklet are stored in the file labelled 'Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1978 - June - file 3'.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1980 - September to December

This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. The majority of the letters in this file pertain to topics like the second meeting of the Advisory Committee on Space Sciences (ADCOS). This file contains letters and telegrams from September to December 1980. This file contains letters either addressed to or written by RR Daniel, RR Daniel, Chairman, ADCOS, and Senior Professor of Physics at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, UR Rao, Director of ISRO, and many more. The file contains two copies a same letter - one is the final version, and the other is a draft that includes annotations.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - November - file 3

This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. The majority of the letters in this file pertain to the Advisory Committee on Space Sciences (ADCOS). This file contains letters and telegrams from November 1981. This file contains letters either written by or addressed to RR Daniel, Chairman, ADCOS, and Senior Professor of Physics at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. The last letter in this file, which is written by RR Daniel and is dated 27 November, 1981, also contains an enclosure titled 'Note Submitted to ADCOS for the Preparation of a Profile for Space Science for the Decade of the 1980s' which is retained as found. However, for better preservation, half of this enclosure is preserved in the file labelled 'Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - November - file 4'.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from December 1981 to May 1982

This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. The majority of the letters in this file pertain to the Advisory Committee on Space Sciences (ADCOS). This file contains letters and telegrams from December 1981 to May 1982. This file contains letters either written by or addressed to RR Daniel, Chairman, ADCOS, and Senior Professor of Physics at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, UR Rao, Director of ISRO, and many more.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1982 - May

This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. This file contains a letter from May 1982. This file contains a letter authored by MK Tiwari, Non-member Secretary of ISRO. The letter contains an enclosure titled 'Report of the Activities of the Advisory Committee for Space Sciences (ADCOS) in the Duration May 1980 - April 1982'. This file also contains a programme overleaf.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 4

The file includes the fourth part of the attached documents referenced in the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 1'. This file also has a few handwritten documents.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1977 - June to November

The first section of the file contains the third part of the project proposal on 'Nutritional Control of Translational Errors'. Thus, the first section of this file is a continuation of the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1977 - June - file 1'. However, the second section of the file contains two letters from 1977 pertaining to the collaboration between the Regional Research Laboratory Hyderabad (RRL), Hyderabad, and Wichita State University, Kansas, USA, on the 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project. Both of these letters are addressed to KN Johry, Head of the International Scientific Collaboration at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research that are not a part of this project proposal. This file also contains the handwritten address of KN Johry's office. The documents in this file are from June 1977 to November 1977.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1978 - February to June

This contains documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Regional Research Laboratory Hyderabad (RRL), Hyderabad, and Wichita State University, Kansas, USA, on the 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project. The representatives of the two parties were PM Bhargava, Deputy Director of RRL, and Ram P Singhal from the Department of Chemistry at Wichita State University. The documents in this file date from February 1978 to June 1978. This file contains letters either addressed to or written by A Rahman, Chief of Planning of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Mit Singh, Under Secretary of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, and many more. The majority of the letters in this file have letters and documents as enclosures, which are retained as found.

First revised and annotated draft of 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' - part 3

This file contains the third part of the revised and annotated draft of the 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors.' It has the names of all three people who worked on it: PM Bhargava, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Regional Research Laboratory, RP Singhal from the Department of Chemistry at the Wichita State University, and Annamaria Torriana-Gorini from the Department of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. This draft is further divided into six parts for better preservation. 

Correspondence regarding the Bhopal gas tragedy and Curriculum Vitae

This file contains a write-up on the Bhopal gas disaster and correspondence by Satinath Sarangi of the National Organizing Committee for the International Medical Commission on Bhopal. This file also has a list of members of the Bhopal Medical Investigation team with a brief summary of their curriculum vitae. Enclosures are retained as found. The remaining enclosures can be found in 'Curriculum Vitae enclosed with correspondence by Satinath Sarangi - 1' and 'Curriculum Vitae enclosed with correspondence by Satinath Sarangi - 2'

Curriculum Vitae enclosed with correspondence by Satinath Sarangi - 2

This file contains the curriculum vitae of members of the International Medical Commission on Bhopal. These files were enclosed with a letter by Satinath Sarangi of the National Organizing Committee for the International Medical Commission on Bhopal. For correspondence refer to 'Correspondence regarding the Bhopal gas tragedy and Curriculum Vitae' and the other enclosures can be found in 'Curriculum Vitae enclosed with correspondence by Satinath Sarangi - 1'. This file also contains a letter from Satinath Sarangi to PM Bhargava.

Correspondence regarding investigation by Pollution Control Board and Sambhavna Trust

This file contains correspondence with P Khanna and Satinath Sarangi regarding the findings of the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) and the Pollution Control Board's investigations. Additionally, correspondence regarding the Sambhavna Trust with Manmohan Singh and Satinath Sarangi is included. Also included is a letter from RA Mashelkar. It includes some handwritten notes and a letter from UT Balerao. Enclosures are kept just as they were found.

Correspondence from September to October 1997

This file contains correspondence regarding foreign contribution regulation from the Ministry of Home Affairs with an 'FC-1A' form enclosed with it. It also contains a letter regarding medical issues concerning the survivors and a petition for the protection of the right to life of the Bhopal gas tragedy victims. This file contains a handwritten note and a few annotated pages.

Correspondence from January to February 1998

This file contains correspondence with the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding prior permission for accepting foreign contributions under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act. It also contains correspondence from the Pesticides Trust and a travel receipt. Additionally, a letter on the meeting of the Sambhavna Trust in Bhopal, a press statement, a letter on the next meeting, and a mail with the report of the meeting on a verbal autopsy are also included in this file. This file contains a handwritten note and a few annotated pages. Enclosures are retained as found.

Correspondence regarding setting up of advisory body by the Supreme Court and PM Bhargava's correspondence with Prime Minister

This file contains correspondence about the establishment of an independent committee to monitor medical relief for the victims of the disaster. It also has letters addressed to the former prime minister, Manmohan Singh. Additionally, it has correspondence regarding the advisory body set up by the Supreme Court and an enclosed copy of the Supreme Court judgment on the writ petition filed by two organizations following the Bhopal gas tragedy. It contains two annotated pages. Enclosures are retained as found.

Agenda for the 3rd meeting of advisory committee

This file contains the agenda for the third meeting of the advisory committee. It also contains two copies of an 'Action Taken Report on Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Advisory Committee Constituted by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India'.

Correspondence regarding 4th meeting of advisory committee

This file contains correspondence pertaining to the fourth meeting of the advisory committee. This file contains correspondence with Sanjay Saxena and the convener of the advisory committee Agnes Xalxo. It also contains an email from C Sathyamala to VM Katoch about the meeting and a note titled 'Written Submission for Consideration of the Advisory Committee at its Meeting on 13 August 2009 at New Delhi' addressed to him. Enclosures are retained as found.

Vijnan-Karmee : official organ of the Association of Scientific Workers of India: Vol. II No. 1 January 1950, No. 2 February 1950

Vijnan Karmee is the official organ of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. These magazines cover the period from January 1950 to February 1950. The Editors of these issues are CR Mitra, PK Kichlu, and DV Karmakar; No. 1, January 1950: Contributors: BC Guha, JG Crowther, Julian Huxly, Bart J Bok, VR Joshi.

Vijnan-Karmee : official organ of the Association of Scientific Workers of India: Vol. III No. 1 January 1951, No. 3 March 1951

Vijnan Karmee is the official organ of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. These magazines cover the period from January 1951 to March 1951. The Editors of these issues are CR Mitra, AC De, and DV Karmakar; No. 1, January 1951: Contributors: A Rahman; No. 3, March 1951: Contributors: Niels Bohr.

Vijnan-Karmee : official organ of the Association of Scientific Workers of India: Vol. III No. 7 July 1951, No. 9 September 1951, No. 10 October 1951

Vijnan Karmee is the official organ of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. These magazines cover the period from July 1951 to October 1951. The Editors of these issues are AC De and DV Karmakar; No. 7, July 1951: Contributors: DD Kosambi; No. 9, September 1951: Contributors: A Rahman, SK Bose; No. 10, October 1951: Contributors: RJ Forbes, Sukh Dayal, TR Sathe, SK Bose, R Narasinham.

Vijnan-Karmee : official organ of the Association of Scientific Workers of India: Vol. III No. 11 November 1951, No. 12 December 1951

Vijnan Karmee is the official organ of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. These magazines cover the period from November 1951 to December 1951. The Editors of these issues are AC De and DV Karmakar; No. 11, November 1951: Contributors: P Kodanda Rao, RK Gupta, NL Sharma; No. 12, December 1951: Contributors: Narendra Singh.

Vijnan-Karmee : official organ of the Association of Scientific Workers of India: Vol. IV No. 10 October 1952, No. 11 November 1952, No. 12 December 1952

Vijnan Karmee is the official organ of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. These magazines cover the period from October 1952 to December 1952. The Editors of these issues are AC De and CR Mitra; No. 10, October 1952: Contributors: DD Kosambi, KV Krishnan; No. 11, November 1952: Contributors: Reinet Fremlin; No. 12, December 1952: Contributors: HC Biswas, ML Aggarwal, Reinet Fremlin.

Vijnan-Karmee : official organ of the Association of Scientific Workers of India: Vol. IV No. 7 July 1952, No. 8 August 1952, No. 9 September 1952

Vijnan Karmee is the official organ of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. These magazines cover the period from July 1952 to September 1952. The Editors of these issues are AC De and CR Mitra; No. 7, July 1952: Contributors: MK Haldar, Narendra Singh; No. 8, August 1952: Contributors: MK Haldar, B Ramamoorthy, Lal C Verman; No. 9, September 1952: Contributors: Rajindar Pal, Baldev Singh.

Vijnan-Karmee : official organ of the Association of Scientific Workers of India : Vol. VI No. 2 March 1954 and Vijnan-Karmee : Journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India : Vol. VI, No. 6 July 1954

Vijnan Karmee is the official organ and journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. These magazines cover the period from March 1954 to July 1954. The editor of these issues is Narendra Singh; No. 6, July 1954: Contributors: S Basu, IV Krishnamurthi, B Mukerji, BD Nag Chowdhry, Leo Fanning.

Vijnan-Karmee : Journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India: Vol. VII No. 7 July 1955, No. 8 & 9 August & September 1955

Vijnan Karmee is the journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. These magazines cover the period from July 1955 to September 1955. The editor of these issues is Narendra Singh; No. 7, July 1955: Contributors: BM Gupta, KL Rao, Rais Ahmed, Matinuzzaman, Maurice Cornforth; No. 8 & 9, August & September 1955: Contributors: DS Datar, JD Bernal.

Vijnan-Karmee : Journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India: Vol. X No. 6 & 7 June & July 1958, No. 8 August 1958

Vijnan Karmee is the journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. These magazines cover the period from June 1958 to August 1958. The editor of these issues is SK Bose; No. 6 & 7, June & July 1958: Contributors: DS Kothari, Priyada Ranjan Ray; No. 8, August 1958: Contributors: Asit Kumar Ray, A Rahaman, JD Bernal.

Vijnan-Karmee : Journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India: Vol. XI No. 1 January 1959, No. 2 & 3 February & March 1959, No. 4 April 1959

Vijnan Karmee is the journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. These magazines cover the period from January 1959 to April 1959. The editor of these issues is SK Bose and DK Mitra; No. 1, January 1959: Contributors: PC Mahalanobis, SS Sokhey; No. 2 & 3, February & March 1959: Contributors: D Kelendjeridze; No. 4, April 1959: Contributors: I Malek, DS Bhatia, Shankar Kumar Mukherji, Priyada Ranjan Ray, CF Powell.

Vijnan-Karmee : Journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India: Vol. XII No. 1 & 2 January & February 1960, No. 4 April 1960

Vijnan Karmee is the journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. These magazines cover the period from January 1960 to April 1960. The editor of these issues is S Ramabadran; No. 1 & 2, January & February 1960: Contributors: Raymond Schuessler, S Husain Zaheer, Y Venkatesham, SB Batyrov, PC Mahalanobis; No. 4, April 1960: Contributors: PA Cerenkov, A Rahman, A Koltsov, LS Polak.

Vijnan-Karmee : Journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India: Vol. XIII No. 1 & 2 January & February 1961; Vol. XIV No. 3 March 1962

Vijnan Karmee is the journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. These magazines cover the period from January 1961 to March 1962. The editors of these issues are S Ramabadran and GM Verma; No. 1 & 2, January & February 1961: Contributors: Yu Bogomolov; No. 3, March 1962: Contributors: Georgy Pokrovsky, David Frank-Kamenetsky, AK Singh, GM Verma, JS Yadav.

Vijnan-Karmee : Journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India: Vol. XIV No. 9 September 1962, No. 12 December 1962

Vijnan Karmee is the journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. These magazines cover the period from September 1962 to December 1962. The editor of these issues is GM Verma; No. 9, September 1962: Contributors: F Feodorov, DM Desoutter, Dmitry Dmitriev, V Dobronravov, G Thyagarajan; No. 12, December 1962: Contributor: Nikolai Blokhin. No. 9, September 1962, contains a leaflet 'An Appeal to Scientific & Technical Personnel'.

Vijnan-Karmee : Journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India: Vol. XVII No. 5 May 1965, No. 6 June 1965, No. 7 July 1965

Vijnan Karmee is the journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. These magazines cover the period from May 1965 to July 1965. The editor of these issues is Baldev Singh; No. 5, May 1965: Contributors: PC Mehta, SK Roy; No. 6, June 1965: Contributors: BK Nayar, Kshirod Ranjan Bhattacharya; No. 7, July 1965: Contributors: Y Kumar, MS Iyengar, NP Gupta.

Vijnan-Karmee : Journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India: Vol. XIX No. 10 October 1967

Vijnan Karmee is the journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. This magazine covers the period from October 1967. The editor of this issue is Baldev Singh; Vol. XIX No. 10, October 1967: Contributors: KT Achaya, BD Tilak, Hari Bhushan, Jagjit Singh, Yash Pal, BM Udgaonkar, VB Chipallkatti, AR Verma, Amarjit Singh, HS Hans, Ashok Parthasarathi, AN Ghosh, RR Daniel, Vikram Sarabhai, Y Nayudamma.

Vijnan-Karmee : Journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India: Vol. XX No. 2 February 1968, No. 4 April 1968

Vijnan Karmee is the journal of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. These magazines cover the period from February 1968 to April 1968. The editor of these issues is Baldev Singh; Vol. XX No. 2, February 1968: Contributor: Aqueil Ahmad; No. 4, April 1968: Contributor: NP Gupta.

Results 1051 to 1089 of 1089