- IN APUA PMB-DOC-10-4-141-3
- File
- 1978
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. These letters are from June 1978. This file contains letters either addressed to or written by YS Rajan, Assistant Scientific Secretary of ISRO, VS Murthy of CCMB, and many more. The letter from VS Murthy has a telegram from YS Rajan and a booklet as enclosures, which are retained as found. The papers included within the booklet are extracted, while the cover is kept separately in the file labelled 'Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1978 - June - file 4' to enhance its preservation. The majority of the papers in this booklet are already included in previous files; however, they are kept to preserve the arrangement of the booklet.