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Correspondence between Husain family and Bhargava - file 2

This contains correspondence between PM Bhargava and MF Husain's family. This also contains the proposal for the 'Husain-Bhargava Centre for Art and Science.' This also contains handwritten correspondence by PM Bhargava and MF Husain. The handwritten letter by PM Bhargava is undated.

The phenomenon of MK Gandhi

This contains 14 prints of paintings of MK Gandhi by Husain and descriptions of these by PM Bhargava. Husain started painting these during his exile in Dubai. These paintings are in the private collection of Guru Swarup Srivastava.

National Biological Laboratory

From the 1950s to the 1970s, scientists and administrators in India held extensive discussions on setting up a National Biological Laboratory. This laboratory did not eventually take shape. However, the conversations around it paved the way for the founding of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology in 1977.

This series contains documents that reveal some of the early discussions on the laboratory, including a plan published by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research in 1964 and a note drafted by PM Bhargava in 1972 on the need for such a laboratory.

Bhargava argued that modern biology was connected to other branches of science and needed an integrated approach that involved experts from various scientific backgrounds. He also emphasized the urgent need for India to participate in the biological revolution that was taking place globally, especially in biochemical and biological technology.

Bhargava, Pushpa Mittra, 1928-2017

Correspondence on beginnings of Guha Research Conference 1958 - April to May

This file contains letters exchanged between PM Bhargava and various scientists regarding organizing a meeting for experts in biochemistry in India. Bhargava intended for this conference to be similar to the Gordon Research Conferences. The scientists addressed in these letters include GP Talwar, V Jagannathan, and Soma Kumar. The letters exchanged after 8 May 1958 can be found in the file titled 'Correspondence on beginnings of Guha Research Conference 1958 - May'.

Correspondence on beginnings of Guha Research Conference 1958 - July

This file contains letters exchanged between PM Bhargava and various scientists regarding organizing a meeting for experts in biochemistry in India. Bhargava intended for this conference to be similar to the Gordon Research Conferences. The scientists addressed in these letters include GP Talwar, Miss Braganza, and M Raghavendra Rao, among others. The letters exchanged from April to 8 May 1958 can be found in the file titled 'Correspondence on beginnings of Guha Research Conference 1958 - April to May'. The meeting Bhargava had wanted to organize in the month of June had to be postponed because several people he had invited were unavailable.

Schedule of Seminar on 'Evolution of Indian Polity: 1965–75' and Paper 'Evolution Indian Polity in the Third Decade of Independence: 1966–1976'

The file contains session details of the seminar on 'Evolution of Indian Polity' that was held on 25 January, 1976, in New Delhi. And it also includes a paper titled 'Evolution Indian Polity in the Third Decade of Independence: 1966–1976' by Rasheeduddin Khan.

Correspondence on 'Diffusion of Innovation'

The file contains the letters exchanged between Jitendra Singh and PM Bhargava regarding the colloquium on 'Diffusion of Innovation'. It Includes a research paper titled 'Scientists Versus Administrators: An Approach Towards Achieving Greater Understanding'.

File for AP State Level Conference organised by 'Educators for Secularism, Socialism and Democracy'

This file includes a file for the seminar titled 'AP State Level Conference on aspects of national educational policy with special reference to primary and secondary education' organised by Educators for Secularism, Socialism and Democracy. The brochures and papers presented at the seminar and other seminar organised by the Educators for Secularism, Socialism and Democracy can be found in 'Seminar on Evolution of Indian Polity - 1966-75 and The Andhra Pradesh State Level Conference - 1976' and 'All India Conference - 1976'.

National Seminar on Energy - 5 to 7 March, 1976

A seminar titled 'National Seminar on Energy' was held from 5 to 7 March, 1976, in Bella Vista. The programme schedule, welcome address, and a list of participants can be found in this file. The list of participants includes Ajit Singh, Balwanth Reddy and KA Dave, among others.

Biodatas of participants of the National Seminar on Energy - 5 to 7 March, 1976

This file contains biodatas of the participants at the National Seminar on Energy held in Bella Vista from 5 to 7 March, 1976. The biodatas of participants such as NP Sen, GS Aurora, and Balwanth Reddy, are found among others. 'Some questions on energy technology' by K Chandrakar is included. The programme schedule and list of participants can be found in 'Seminar on Evolution of Indian Polity - 1966 - 75 and National Seminar on Energy - 5 to 7 March, 1976'.

A note to participants with a paper authored by S Chakravarthy

This file contains a note to participants of the National Seminar on Energy held in Bella Vista from 5 to 7 March, 1976. The note asks the participants to read a paper authored by S Chakravarthy and to discuss it at the seminar. The general presidential address at the National Seminar on Energy can be found in 'General presidential address by S Hussain Zaheer at National Seminar on Energy - 5 to 7 March, 1976'.

ESSD Seminar on Amendments to Constitution of India - 1976

This file contains a programme schedule and seminar report on the ESSD Seminar on Amendments to Constitution of India from 9 to 10 October, 1976. The venue for the seminar was Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. A detailed seminar report along with recommendations can be found. A draft of 'The 44th Amendment - a study' by KG Kannabiran is enclosed.

Papers presented at National Seminar on Import of Technology and its Impact on Development - 12 to 13 May, 1979

This file contains papers presented at the National Seminar on Import of Technology and its Impact on Development held from 12 to 13 May, 1979, that was organized by the Delhi Science Forum. The papers presented by K Ashok Rao and TS Kannan can be found, among others. The seminar addresses the creation of imported ideas of technology for sustainable development challenges.

A paper presented at National Seminar on Import of Technology and its Impact on Development - 12 to 13 May, 1979

This file contains a paper presented at the National Seminar on Import of Technology and its Impact on Development held from 12 to 13 May, 1979, that was organized by the Delhi Science Forum. The paper titled 'Foreign Capital and Technology in India's Economic Growth: a Note' discusses the role of the latest industrial policy statement and the involvement of multinational corporations in India's development. The papers presented at the seminar can also be found in 'Papers presented at National Seminar on Import of Technology and its Impact on Development - 12 to 13 May, 1979'.

Papers presented at National Seminar on Import of Technology and its Impact on Development - 12 to 13 May, 1979 and a note on Science and Technology Education vis-a-vis Import of Technology

This file contains papers presented at the 'National Seminar on Import of Technology and its Impact on Development' held from 12 to 13 May, 1979, that was organized by the Delhi Science Forum. The paper by P Purkayastha enlightens on some aspects of transfer of technology and foreign control in Indian Industry quoting from RBI surveys. A note on Science and Technology Education vis-a-vis Import of Technology by R Majumdar argues that the needs of developing countries should be the primary objective when imparting science and technology education. Another paper presented at the seminar can also be found in 'A paper presented at National Seminar on Import of Technology and its Impact on Development - 12 to 13 May, 1979'.

International Seminar on Science, Technology and Society in Developing Countries - 13-17 November, 1979 - transport arrangements, question/comment form, invitation notes, programme schedule, brochure and a handwritten note

Transport arrangements, a form for expressing questions or comments, invitation notes, programme schedule of the seminar, brochure and handwritten notes. The seminar's goal was to discuss societal expectations from science as well as alternatives for scientific research and technological development.

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