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Papers presented at the International Seminar on Science, Technology and Society in Developing Countries - file 4

This file contains papers presented at the International Seminar on Science, Technology and Society in Developing Countries held in Bombay from 13-16 November, 1979. The papers authored by PM Bhargava and JM Ziman can be found, among others. The other papers presented at the seminar can also be found in 'Papers presented at the International Seminar on Science, Technology and Society in Developing Countries - files 1-8'.

Seminar on 'Areas of National Priorities in R&D in the 1980s'

This file contains an invitation for the seminar on 'Areas of National Priorities in R&D in the 1980s' held on 3 and 4 February, 1981 in Hyderabad, organized by the 'Society of R&D Managers of India'. The programme schedule, list of invitees, and contributed papers for the seminar can also be found here. PM Bhargave wrote to Feroze Chandra on agreeing with a writeup titled 'SAI MAKES NONSENSE OF MATERIALS".

Correspondence and papers on 'Frontier Technologies in Third World: Towards a Strategy of Self-Reliance'

This file contains correspondence inviting PM Bhargava for a seminar on 'Frontier Technologies in the Third World: Towards A Strategy for Self-Reliance'. This seminar was organized by NISTADS from 15-18 December, 1982, at the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi. In addition to this, a list of participants, registration forms for paper presentations, and proceedings can also be found.

Correspondence on 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' and papers presented at the seminar

This file contains a letter addressed to PM Bhargava, conveying the venue and programme schedule of 'ICSSR/CCSR Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s'. This seminar was held from 27-29, April, 1983 at the University of Manchester. The enclosure also contains a list of participants. Additionally, PM Bhargava's itinerary and the papers presented at the seminar can be found here. The papers can be found in 'Correspondence on 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' and Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - files 1-13.

Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - file 3

This file contains papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' held from 27-29, April, 1983 at the University of Manchester. The paper presented by J Irvine and M Martin can be found here. The other papers can be found in 'Correspondence on 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' and Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s'' - files 1-13.

Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - file 7

This file contains a paper presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' held from 27-29, April, 1983 at the University of Manchester. The paper presented by Harry Rothman can be found here. The other papers can be found in 'Correspondence on 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' and paper presented at the seminar' and 'Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - files 1-12'.

Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - file 9

This file contains a paper presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' held from 27-29, April, 1983 at the University of Manchester. The paper presented by Surajit Sinha can be found here. The other papers can be found in 'Correspondence on 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' and Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s'' - files 1-13.

Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - file 11

This file contains draft of a paper presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' held from 27-29, April, 1983 at the University of Manchester. The paper presented by BM Udgaonkar can be found here. The other papers can be found in 'Correspondence on 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' and Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s'' - files 1-13.

Correspondence regarding 'World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion' and contribution of papers to the conference - file 1

This file contains letters exchanged between PM Bhargava and Raja Hamsa Das regarding contributing papers to the conference 'World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion' to be held from 10-13 January, 1986 in Bombay. PM Bhargava's paper titled, 'Are we alone in the Universe? : the origin of life on earth' is enclosed along with the letter.

Correspondence regarding 'World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion' and contribution of papers to the conference - file 2

This file contains letters exchanged between PM Bhargava and Raja Hamsa Das regarding the 'World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion' held from January 10–13, 1986, in Bombay. The guidelines for writing a paper and an invitation to register for the conference can be found here. A letter on organizing a seminar on 'Biochemical Education Symposium' by SBC. The seminar intended to discuss issues related to biochemical education. The letter encloses the list for sending communications for the seminar. Additionally, a paper on 'An Education in Inefficiency' submitted to the symposium by Arati R Jerat can also be found.

Correspondence on 'Social Perspective of Generation/Utilisation of Indigenous Science and Technology'

This file contains letters exchanged between A Rahman, PM Bhargava, NVK Murthy, MA Qureshi, and Vinod Gaur regarding the national seminar on Social Perspective of Generation/Utilisation of Indigenous Science and Technology', and programme schedule of the seminar. It includes a paper titled 'Physiology of Osmoregulation in Microorganisms'.

Correspondence, programme schedule, background, invitation, and list of participants of a one-day 'Media Dialogue on Communal Violence' organized by NAMEDIA Foundation, FES, and Osmania University on 21 June, 1993

A letter exchanged between PM Bhargava and Abdur Rahim inviting him for the meeting, programme schedule, the background of the topic, the invitation, a brief account of activities by the NAMEDIA Foundation from July 1983 to November 1992, and a list of participants in the conference.

Correspondence pertaining to attendance of 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996 - May

This file consists of correspondence pertaining to the attendance of 'The World Philosophers Meet', which was held in Pune from 24 to 30 November, 1996, on the occasion of the 700th death anniversary of Sanjeevan Samadhi of Saint Jnaneshwara. This file consists of correspondence from May 1996. This file contains letters either addressed to or written by SS Barlingay, Executive Adviser of the meeting's organizing committee and Professor Emeritus of Pune University, RS Mashelkar, Director General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, and many others. We have retained all the enclosures in their original form. The final letter in the file includes an attachment of PM Bhargava's biodata. Two copies of the same letter is preserved since one is original and other original faded fax.

Correspondence pertaining to attendance at first 'International Conference on Ethics, Science, and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' from 2004 - file 1

This file consists of a letter addressed to RA Mashelkar, Director General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, by PM Bhargava. This letter was written with the intention of acquiring financial support for attending the first conference held during the 'International Conference on Ethics, Science and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' in London, UK, from 29 September - 1 October, 2004. This letter is from August 2004. This letter also has four annexures, which are retained as found.

Correspondence pertaining to attendance at 'International Conference on Ethics, Science, and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' from 2004 - September

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the first 'International Conference on Ethics, Science, and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' in London, UK, held from 29 September - 1 October 2004. All the letters and printouts of emails are from September 2004. This contains letters or printouts of emails either addressed to or written by SC Kalra, Under Secretary, Director General's Secretariat of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Colin Blakemore, Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council, and many more. This also contains a letter addressed to Anil Sharma of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, in which PM Bhargava has listed a summary of the amount he would need to attend this conference. This also contains a few handwritten notes, which are retained as found.

Documents pertaining to attendance at first 'International Conference on Ethics, Science, and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' from 2004 - October - file 4

This file contains the fourth part of the enclosure. This file mostly includes handwritten notes. One of the documents in this file, however, was deemed oversized and is therefore preserved in the next file labelled 'Documents pertaining to attendance the International Symposium on Ethics, Science, and Moral Philosophy of ART : The Future of Human Reproduction: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy from 2004 - October - file 5'. In order to maintain continuity, it is numbered as such.

Correspondence pertaining to attendance at first 'International Conference on Ethics, Science, and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' from 2004 - November

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the first conference held during the 'International Conference on Ethics, Science and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' at London, UK, from 29 September to 1 October, 2004. All the letters and printouts of emails are from November to December 2004. This contains letters or printouts of emails either addressed to or written by Hrishikesh Pai and Robert G Edwards, Chief Editor of Reproductive BioMedicine Online, UK. Three copies of the same letter are preserved since they have different annotations on them. One of them is in the form of an enclosure. This letter mentions the second and third conferences on 'Ethics, Science, and Moral Philosophy of ART in India'. This file includes a few handwritten notes. An undated document titled, 'Objectives of the Trust Proposed to be Set Up by Dr Hrishikesh Pai', is retained in this file since it was found along with these letters addressed to Hrishikesh Pai. Though this file is organized chronologically, there is a collection of documents dated 15 December, 2004, stored in files labelled Documents pertaining to reimbursement for attending first 'International Conference on Ethics, Science and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' from 2004 - December - file 1 to file 3. This file also has a few handwritten notes.

Brochures and pamphlets for the Jana Vignana Vedika's annual conference

This file comprises pamphlets and brochures for Jana Vignana Vedika's annual conference, which took place on May 8 - 9, 2004 in Hyderabad. Additional conference-related files can be found in the files marked 'Correspondence on the invitation made to PM Bhargava to be Chairman of a committee for the annual conference of Jana Vignana Vedika', 'Magazine for the Jana Vignana Vedika's annual conference' and 'Newspapers related to the Jana Vignana Vedika annual conference'.

Correspondence pertaining to attendance at third 'International Conference on Ethics, Science and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' from 2006 - January

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the third 'International Conference on Ethics, Science, and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' at Bombay, India, held on 19 to 20 November, 2006. Most of the letters or printouts of emails in this file are either addressed to or written by Robert G Edwards, Chief Editor, Reproductive BioMedicine Online. This file contains letters and printouts with enclosures, which are retained as found. Two copies of the same letter are preserved since they have different annotations on them.

Correspondence on the invitation given to PM Bhargava for a four day International Conference on 'Human Centred Sustainable Development Paradigm'

This file contains correspondence inviting PM Bhargava to a four day International Conference on the 'Human Centred Sustainable Development Paradigm' to mark MS Swaminathan's 80th birthday, which was organized by MSSRF in Chennai, India, from 7 - 10 August, 2005. Includes brochures. Also refer to 'Book of abstracts of the four-day International Conference on 'Human Centred Sustainable Development Paradigm'.

Book of abstracts of the four-day International Conference on 'Human Centred Sustainable Development Paradigm'

This file contains a book of abstracts from the four day International Conference on the 'Human Centered Sustainable Development Paradigm', hosted by MSSRF and held in Chennai, India, from 7 - 10 August, 2005. Also refer to 'Correspondence on the invitation issued to PM Bhargava for a four-day International Conference on 'Human Centred Sustainable Development Paradigm'.

Programme schedule and abstract of the conference in Brazil, 2005

This file contains the program schedule as well as abstracts from the 3rd International Conference for Science and Communicators in Brazil, which took place from April 10 - 14, 2005. Additional associated files for the conferences can be found in the file titled 'Correspondence pertaining to the invitation to participate in the International Conference for Science and Communicators in Brazil, which took place from April 10 - 14, 2005', 'Correspondence pertaining to the travel itineraries and accommodation for the conference in Brazil, 2005' and 'Newspapers pertaining to the International Conference for Science and Communicators in Brazil'.

Correspondence pertaining to writing a paper for the National Seminar organized by NIEPA

This file contains correspondence pertaining to asking PB Bhargava to write a paper for the 'National Seminar on Education Commission: Revisiting the Commission's Premises, Vision, and Impact on Policy Formulation' which was organized by NIEPA (National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration) on November 2006. The file also contains a concept paper and the paper written for the seminar by PM Bhargava.

Correspondence pertaining to inviting various dignitaries to the International Seminar on the Centenary of Hind Swaraj

This document contains correspondence from PM Bhargava inviting esteemed individuals such as Harsh Gupta, a Raja Ramanna Fellow, T Haque, and others, to the 'International Seminar marking the Centenary of Hind Swaraj', scheduled for 12 - 14 February, 2009, at the India International Centre, New Delhi. Additional related files can be found in the files title 'Correspondence related to submissions of paper abstracts to the International Seminar on the Centenary of Hind Swaraj' and 'Correspondence related to a draft program schedule for the International Seminar on the Centenary of Hind Swaraj'.

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