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NIEPA-NISTADS Seminar on Planning and Management of Scientific Research in Institutions of Higher Education - file 3
NIEPA-NISTADS Seminar on Planning and Management of Scientific Research in Institutions of Higher Education - file 3
NIEPA-NISTADS Seminar on Planning and Management of Scientific Research in Institutions of Higher Education - file 4
NIEPA-NISTADS Seminar on Planning and Management of Scientific Research in Institutions of Higher Education - file 4
Correspondence on holding the Third Indira Gandhi Conference in New Delhi from 4–7 February 1991, and correspondence on the election manifesto of the Indian National Congress
Correspondence on holding the Third Indira Gandhi Conference in New Delhi from 4–7 February 1991, and correspondence on the election manifesto of the Indian National Congress
Programme schedule of the workshop on 'Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy, and Culture', biodata, and correspondence regarding the workshop
Programme schedule of the workshop on 'Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy, and Culture', biodata, and correspondence regarding the workshop
All India Seminar on Legal Aid, 14 and 15 September 1991, a National Level Seminar held under the auspices of the Committee for Implementing Legal and Schemes, New Delhi, correspondence on papers by PM Bhargava, the IUCAA Bulletin of July 1992, and the IUCAA Public Lecture on Past, Present, and Future of Our Universe, held on 25 August, 1992
All India Seminar on Legal Aid, 14 and 15 September 1991, a National Level Seminar held under the auspices of the Committee for Implementing Legal and Schemes, New Delhi, correspondence on papers by PM Bhargava, the IUCAA Bulletin of July 1992, and the IUCAA Public Lecture on Past, Present, and Future of Our Universe, held on 25 August, 1992
Correspondence on Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August 1992, list of participants, abstracts, and Papers presented at the Workshop
Correspondence on Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August 1992, list of participants, abstracts, and Papers presented at the Workshop
Background notes for discussion at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August 1992
Background notes for discussion at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August 1992
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 1
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 1
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 2
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 2
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 3
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 3
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 4
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 4
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 5
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 5
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 6
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 6
Paper presented, correspondence with an architectural drawing and abstract of the invited talks at Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992
Paper presented, correspondence with an architectural drawing and abstract of the invited talks at Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992
Abstract of an invited talk and booklet of abstracts of invited talks of the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August 1992
Abstract of an invited talk and booklet of abstracts of invited talks of the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August 1992
Correspondence, programme schedule, background, invitation, and list of participants of a one-day 'Media Dialogue on Communal Violence' organized by NAMEDIA Foundation, FES, and Osmania University on 21 June, 1993
Correspondence, programme schedule, background, invitation, and list of participants of a one-day 'Media Dialogue on Communal Violence' organized by NAMEDIA Foundation, FES, and Osmania University on 21 June, 1993
Report, correspondence, and papers presented at the Symposium on Science and Law, 17–19 December 1993, in New Delhi
Report, correspondence, and papers presented at the Symposium on Science and Law, 17–19 December 1993, in New Delhi
Papers presented at the Symposium on Science and Law, 17-19 December, 1993 in New Delhi and a handwritten note
Papers presented at the Symposium on Science and Law, 17-19 December, 1993 in New Delhi and a handwritten note
Correspondence regarding publication of papers presented at the Symposium on Science and Law, 17–19 December 1993, in New Delhi - file 1
Correspondence regarding publication of papers presented at the Symposium on Science and Law, 17–19 December 1993, in New Delhi - file 1
Correspondence regarding publication of papers presented at the Symposium on Science and Law, 17–19 December 1993, in New Delhi - file 2
Correspondence regarding publication of papers presented at the Symposium on Science and Law, 17–19 December 1993, in New Delhi - file 2
Correspondence and paper presented at the Symposium on Science and Law, 17–19 December 1993, in New Delhi - file 1
Correspondence and paper presented at the Symposium on Science and Law, 17–19 December 1993, in New Delhi - file 1
Correspondence and paper presented at the Symposium on Science and Law, 17-19 December 1993 in New Delhi - file 2
Correspondence and paper presented at the Symposium on Science and Law, 17-19 December 1993 in New Delhi - file 2
Paper presented at the Symposium on Science and Law, 17-19 December 1993 in New Delhi
Paper presented at the Symposium on Science and Law, 17-19 December 1993 in New Delhi
Document titled 'The Constitution Seventy-Third Amendment Act, 1992, on the Panchayat' and report from the 'Workshop on Panchayati Raj Institutions held from 24-26 November, 1994' at India International Centre
Document titled 'The Constitution Seventy-Third Amendment Act, 1992, on the Panchayat' and report from the 'Workshop on Panchayati Raj Institutions held from 24-26 November, 1994' at India International Centre
Correspondence regarding the Panchayati Raj Institutions Workshop held on 24-26 November 1994 and a brochure of a public conference 'Risks and Prevention of AIDS: the Indian and the German Experience' held on 26 November, 1994 at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Correspondence regarding the Panchayati Raj Institutions Workshop held on 24-26 November 1994 and a brochure of a public conference 'Risks and Prevention of AIDS: the Indian and the German Experience' held on 26 November, 1994 at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Correspondence regarding publishing a paper in the Journal of General Virology, brochure and invitation of a public conference on 'Risks and prevention of AIDS the Indian and the German Experience' held on 26th November, 1994 at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan and paper found with the conference.
Correspondence regarding publishing a paper in the Journal of General Virology, brochure and invitation of a public conference on 'Risks and prevention of AIDS the Indian and the German Experience' held on 26th November, 1994 at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan and paper found with the conference.
Correspondence pertaining to attendance of 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996 - March to April
Correspondence pertaining to attendance of 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996 - March to April
Correspondence pertaining to attendance of 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996 - May
Correspondence pertaining to attendance of 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996 - May
Correspondence pertaining to attendance of 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996 - May to August
Correspondence pertaining to attendance of 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996 - May to August
Correspondence pertaining to attendance of 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996 - October to November
Correspondence pertaining to attendance of 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996 - October to November
Documents pertaining to 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996
Documents pertaining to 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996
Printed materials pertaining to 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996 - file 1
Printed materials pertaining to 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996 - file 1
Printed materials pertaining to 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996 - file 2
Printed materials pertaining to 'The World Philosophers' Meet' from 1996 - file 2
Correspondence pertaining to the invitation sent forth to PM Bhargava to be the Chair person for the National Level Science Writers Conferences
Correspondence pertaining to the invitation sent forth to PM Bhargava to be the Chair person for the National Level Science Writers Conferences
Conference papers and booklet pertaining to the National Level Science Writers Conferences
Conference papers and booklet pertaining to the National Level Science Writers Conferences
Documents pertaining to 'Federation of Indian Rational Associations, 2nd National Conference'
Documents pertaining to 'Federation of Indian Rational Associations, 2nd National Conference'
Correspondence pertaining to GRC 1998 - file 1
Correspondence pertaining to GRC 1998 - file 1
Correspondence regarding the invitation to a national seminar on WTO & IPR
Correspondence regarding the invitation to a national seminar on WTO & IPR
Documents pertaining to 'Atheist Society of India : 8th A.P. State Conference'
Documents pertaining to 'Atheist Society of India : 8th A.P. State Conference'
Inaugural speech delivered by PM Bhargava at Atheist Society of India : 8th A.P. State Conference - file 1
Inaugural speech delivered by PM Bhargava at Atheist Society of India : 8th A.P. State Conference - file 1
Inaugural speech delivered by PM Bhargava at Atheist Society of India : 8th A.P. State Conference - file 2
Inaugural speech delivered by PM Bhargava at Atheist Society of India : 8th A.P. State Conference - file 2
Inaugural speech delivered by PM Bhargava at Atheist Society of India : 8th A.P. State Conference - file 3
Inaugural speech delivered by PM Bhargava at Atheist Society of India : 8th A.P. State Conference - file 3
Correspondence regarding the invitation to a seminar on Bio-Technology Applications : Relevance to the Indian Farmer
Correspondence regarding the invitation to a seminar on Bio-Technology Applications : Relevance to the Indian Farmer
Correspondence pertaining to invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', - file 1
Correspondence pertaining to invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', - file 1
Correspondence pertaining to invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', - file 2
Correspondence pertaining to invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', - file 2
Correspondence pertaining to invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', - file 3
Correspondence pertaining to invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', - file 3
Correspondence pertaining to invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', - file 4
Correspondence pertaining to invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', - file 4
Correspondence pertaining to invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', - file 5
Correspondence pertaining to invitation and confirmation of the delegates to participate in the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science', - file 5
Minutes of the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science',
Minutes of the two-day national symposium on 'Ethics in the Administration of Science',
Documents pertaining to 'Workshop on Basic Andrology/ II II'
Documents pertaining to 'Workshop on Basic Andrology/ II II'
Results 351 to 400 of 1157