Papers for International Symposium on Science, Technology and Development - file 9
- IN APUA PMB-DOC-7-4-168-4
- File
- 1987
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This file contains one booklet.
Total Number of Files: 1253
Papers for International Symposium on Science, Technology and Development - file 9
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This file contains one booklet.
Papers for International Symposium on Science, Technology and Development - file 10
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This file contains one booklet.
Details regarding the One Day Seminar on 'Art and Science'
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This file contains the seminar schedule and participants details.
Correspondence on One Day Seminar on 'Art and Science'
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
The file contains the letters exchanged between PM Bhargava, Sunil Kothari, Ramaranjan Mukherji, Suresh Mehta, Poonam Shukla, and S Shah Ali regarding the one-day seminar on 'Art and Science'. Includes schedule of the seminar.
Correspondence on seminar on Managerial Response to Emerging Technologies
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
The file contains the letters exchanged between PM Bhargava and Ankur Gupta regarding seminar on 'Managerial Response to Emerging Technologies'. Includes seminar schedule and questions addressed to PM Bhargava.
Indo-French Colloquium on Recent Advances in Life Sciences and Vaccinology - file 1
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
The file contains the telegram messages and letters to PM Bhargava from GP Talwar. Includes the programme schedule of 'Indo-French Colloquium on Recent Advances in Life Sciences and Vaccinology'.
Indo-French Colloquium on Recent Advances in Life Sciences and Vaccinology - file 2
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This file contains one booklet.
Indo-French Colloquium on Recent Advances in Life Sciences and Vaccinology - file 3
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
The file contains abstract paper titled 'Seminal Plasmin: An Antimicrobial and Transcription Inhibitory Protein From Seminal Plasma Which May be Nature's Own Antifertility Agent' by PM Bhargava. It also includes the letters exchanged between PM Bhargava and Satya Bhushan regarding NIEPA-NISTADS seminar.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This file contains one booklet.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This file contains the information guide for NIEPA-NISTADS Seminar on Planning and Management of Scientific Research in Institutions of Higher Education.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This file contains the paper titled 'Planning and Management of Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions - Experience of China, GDR and Japan'. Includes a handwritten note.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
The file contains the letters exchanged between PM Bhargava and Satya Bhushan regarding seminar on Planning and Management of Scientific and Technology Research. It also includes the writing pad of PM Bhargava.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Letter to PM Bhargava by Rajiv Gandhi on holding the Third Indira Gandhi Conference in New Delhi from 4-7 February, 1991, and letter by PM Bhargava to Rajiv Gandhi regarding the election manifesto of the Indian National Congress dated May 14, 1991.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Programme schedule, biodata of PM Bhargava and Chandana Chakrabarti and letter to PM Bhargava on the workshop.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Addresses and papers presented at All India Seminar on Legal Aid, a letter to PM Bhargava by David Park, and the IUCAA Bulletin of July 1992.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Letters exchanged between Chandana Chakrabarti and JV Narlikar, list of participants, abstract of paper by PM Bhargava and Chandana Chakrabarti, and paper by Altaf Ahmad Azmi.
Background notes for discussion at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August 1992
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Background notes by N Mukunda.
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 1
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Paper presented by AK Chakrabarty on 'Indian Cosmology : How far influenced by Religion and Metaphysics.
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 2
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Paper presented by Arshad Mallick and SC Malik - Part A.
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 3
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Paper presented by SC Malik - Part B.
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 4
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Summary of the paper by SC Malik on 'Matter and Consciousness'.
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 5
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Paper by PK Mukhopadhyay on 'BHUTA : Some Connected Themes of Indian Cosmology'.
Papers presented at the Workshop on 'Bhutas'- The Nature of Matter, 24-27 August, 1992 - file 6
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Draft of a paper by ECG Sudarshan and papers presented by SRN Murthy and B Saraswati.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Paper by ECG Sudarshan, letter by JV Narlikar enclosing KM Abhyankar letter, and abstracts of invited talks along with the 'Location of IUCAA on the University of Poona Campus'.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Abstract of the speaker, PG Lalye, and booklet of abstracts of the invited talks.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
A letter exchanged between PM Bhargava and Abdur Rahim inviting him for the meeting, programme schedule, the background of the topic, the invitation, a brief account of activities by the NAMEDIA Foundation from July 1983 to November 1992, and a list of participants in the conference.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Report of the symposium, a letter to PM Bhargava regarding the publication of the proceedings of the symposium, and a paper presented by CR Bhatia on 'Biotechnology and Law'.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Paper by G Venkateshwaran and a handwritten note.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
PM Bakshi and PM Bhargava exchanged letters regarding the paper, with PK Bakshi enclosing it.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
S Bhatt and PM Bhargava exchanged letters regarding the paper, with S Bhatt enclosing 2 copies of it.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Letters exchanged between PM Bhargava and UV Kadam, B Sivaramayya, and BS Chimni regarding the paper, with BS Chimni enclosing it.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Continuation of paper by BS Chimni, and letters exchanged between PM Bhargava and BS Chimni can be found, among others.
Paper presented at the Symposium on Science and Law, 17-19 December 1993 in New Delhi
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
A paper by B Sivaramayya titled 'The Lag between Law and Science : Aspects of Family Law'
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Report of the workshop and 'The Constitution Seventy-Third Amendment Act, 1992 on the Panchayat'.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Letter for PM Bhargava regarding the workshop enclosing a paper on 'Panchayati Raj Institutions : An Action Plan' and a brochure of a public conference.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
A letter to the editorial office of the journal by PM Bhargava regarding publishing a paper by Gopal Pande, handwritten notes, a brochure, and an invitation to the public conference with an envelope and a paper by Iqbal Gill and Rao Valivety was found with the conference.
Correspondence on Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress - file 1
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This contains correspondence on the Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress. These letters are arranged from people with the initials A to B. This also contains one pamphlet, one notice, one programme details, and a handwritten note.
Correspondence on Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress - file 2
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This contains correspondence on the Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress between PM Bhargava and NP Chaubey. This also contains a draft note on 'Indian Society at the turn of the century: objectives and strategies'. Along with this, there is one membership form, one list of invitees, and one tentative programme list.
Correspondence on Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress - file 3
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This contains correspondence on the Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress. These letters are from personalities having initials D to H. This also contains two lists of invitees.
Correspondence on Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress - file 4
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This contains correspondence on the Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress between PM Bhargava and Ashok Jain. This also contains one telegram, one list of invitees, and one list of invited speakers. This includes a few photocopies of handwritten notes, too.
Correspondence on Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress - file 5
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This contains correspondence on the Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress. These letters are from personalities having initials K to M. This also contains 3 telegrams, 1 handwritten letter, and 1 map.
Presidential Address by PM Bhargava at Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
Address titled 'The Changing Face of Science: As We Get Ready to Enter the 21st Century'.
Correspondence on Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress - file 6
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This contains correspondence on the Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress. These letters are from personalities having initials K to Q. This also contains two telegrams.
Correspondence on Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress - file 7
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This contains correspondence on the Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress. These letters are from personalities having the initials R. This includes an undated letter. This also contains three telegrams, one list of addressees, one list of invitees, and a few handwritten notes.
Correspondence on Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress - file 8
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This contains correspondence on the Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress. These letters are from people with the initials S and Y. This also contains a photocopy of a telegram.
Detailed programme list of Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This contains copies of the programme lists and proceedings of the Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress. This also contains a few handwritten notes.
Speeches for Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress by S Arunachalam, PM Bhargava and KE Eapen
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This contains three speeches for the Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress. Along with speeches, it also has a letter and transparencies.
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This contains an unsigned letter from PM Bhargava, which he has addressed to Ashok Jain. This also contains the abstracts of speeches for the Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress, and a list of speeches.
Speech for Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress by Yadvendra Pandey
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This contains a letter and two copies of the same speech by Yadvendra Pandey for the Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress. One is a typed copy and another a printed copy. Both copies are in Hindi.
Speeches for Twelfth Indian Social Science Congress by P Rama Rao and VKRV Rao
Part of Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
This contains an annotated transcript of a speech by P Rama Rao and the presidential address by VKRV Rao.