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Curatorial text pertaining to Method of Science Exhibition - Hyderabad

This file contains curatorial text created for the Hyderabad phase of the Method of Science Exhibition. The corresponding leaflets can be found in the file 'Leaflets from Method of Science Exhibition - Hyderabad'. All documents in this file are annotated. This also contains a notice with all the details of the timing, fees, et cetera. for the exhibition.

Administrative documents pertaining to Method of Science Exhibition - Hyderabad

This file consists of administrative documents pertaining to the Method of Science Exhibition when it was moved to Hyderabad. This mostly consists of ephemera like a few receipts, a gate pass, et cetera. This file also includes guidelines for the personnel regarding the tasks required for the setup of the exhibition at Hyderabad. This also has a hand-drawn map. This includes a few handwritten notes too.

Write-ups pertaining to Method of Science Exhibition - file 1

This file comprises write-ups authored by PM Bhargava pertaining to the Method of Science Exhibition. There are three distinct versions of the identical title. The title of the document is 'A note on the origin and development of the Exhibition on The Method of Science Between June 1975 and May, 1977'. All documents in this file are numbered.

Write-ups pertaining to Method of Science Exhibition - file 2

This file comprises write-ups authored by PM Bhargava pertaining to the Method of Science Exhibition. This contains two copies of the press release for the Hyderabad era of the Method of Science Exhibition, which was written by Yash Pal. There are two copies of the same write-up. However, one of these is original and annotated, whereas the other is a photocopy of the same. All documents in this file are numbered.

Write-ups pertaining to Method of Science Exhibition - file 4

This file comprises write-ups authored by PM Bhargava pertaining to the Method of Science Exhibition. There are two copies of the same write-up. However, one of these has different annotations. These two are photocopies of the file 'Write-ups pertaining to Method of Science Exhibition - file 3'. All documents in this file are numbered.

Draft of 'A matter of method : a report on the method of science exhibition' - file 1

This file consists of the draft version of the report 'A matter of method: a report on the method of science exhibition'. Vasantha Surya penned this report on the Method of Science Exhibition. This report provides a timeline of events leading up to the judgement from the Andhra Pradesh High Court. These pages have annotations. This file has a folder, which is also annotated.

Papers pertaining to Exhibition on the Method of Science : BOOK III - file 2

This file consists of a book titled 'Papers pertaining to Exhibition on the Method of Science : BOOK III'. This book contains one copy of 'Writ Petition No. 5904 of 1978'. The majority of this book's content can be found not only in "'Papers pertaining to exhibition on the method of Science : book III' - file 1" but also in the subseries Official documents as well as Correspondence subseries of this series. It contains an extract from BM Udgaonkar's articles and a few letters. 

Photocopies of newspaper articles on dismantling of Method of Science Exhibition - file 2

This file consists of photocopies of newspaper articles that pertain to the dismantling of the Method of Science Exhibition. These articles were written in support of the exhibition and condemned the dismantling. These are arranged as per the list found in 'Photocopies of newspaper articles on Method of Science Exhibition - file 1'. Since these photocopies are all annotated, they are filed. A few photocopies from the list are missing, but the originals for these can be found in the file 'Newspaper articles on Method of Science Exhibition - file 1'. This also contains an annotated copy of the 'Press Release' by Yash Pal, copies of which can be found in 'Write-ups pertaining to Method of Science Exhibition- file 3'.

Provisional recommendations of the committee and justification for location of the proposed centre for research and development in cellular and molecular biology

This file contains provisional recommendations of the committee constituted by the Director-General, CSIR, to make recommendations on the proposal of the Regional Research Laboratory (RRL), Hyderabad, for setting up an Autonomous Advanced Centre for Molecular and Cellular Biology at RRL. It contains appendices and a justification for the location of the proposed centre for research and development in cellular and molecular biology at RRLH along with an annexure. This file also contains a few handwritten notes.

IST scientific advisory meeting

This is a photocopy of the agenda for the 'IST scientific advisory meeting'. These are mostly administrative documents that contain all the information regarding the meeting.

Correspondence related to administration and accounts - file 3

This file contains administration and accounts-related correspondence pertaining to infrastructure, visits of scientists, the NSF-CSIR exchange of scientists scheme between the National Science Foundation and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, travel, a symposium and a weekly meeting for CCMB. It also contains handwritten notes. Enclosures are retained as found.

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Annual Plan 1982 - 83, Project Budget RE 1981 - 82 and BE 1982 - 83 - file 1

This file is a compilation of all annual plans, revised estimates, and budget estimates of projects for the years 1982–83, 1981–82, and 1982–84, respectively. These administrative documents also include projects or achievements of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). This has a contents page that contains all the information that is to be found in this compiled book. Along with this file were a few loose pages containing budget estimates and correspondence, which were placed in files 'Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Annual Plan 1982 - 83, Project Budget RE 1981 - 82 and BE 1982 - 83 - file 2' and 'Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Annual Plan 1982 - 83, Project Budget RE 1981 - 82 and BE 1982 - 83 - file 3' due to their fragile condition.

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Annual Plan 1982 - 83, Project Budget RE 1981 - 82 and BE 1982 - 83 - file 2

Though these loose documents are part of 'Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Annual Plan 1982 - 83, Project Budget RE 1981 - 82 and BE 1982 - 83 - file 1' they belong to year 1980. These are mostly administrative and budgetary records pertaining to the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). Both copies of 'Statement 1 : Sub-headwise break-up of SE 1980 - 91 RE  1980 - 81 and BE 1981 -82' are retained since one is original and the other has annotations on it. Enclosures are retained as found.

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Annual Plan 1983 - 84, Project Budget RE 1982 - 83 and 1983 - 84 - file 2

This file is a compilation of all annual plans, revised estimates, and budget estimates of projects for the years 1983–84, 1982–83, and 1983–84, respectively. These also have administrative documents that mention the projects or achievements of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). These contain a few annexures. Though this was in bound book form, it is divided into two parts for better preservation of the documents. 'Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Annual Plan 1983 - 84, Project Budget RE 1982 - 83 and BE 1983 - 84 - file 1' should be considered as the first part of a single bound book.

Report of the Committee Appointed by the Governing Body of CSIR : to Review - and Make Recommendations in Regard to - the Plans of the CCMB - file 1

This file consists of a compilation that is in bound book form. This document includes a more in-depth report on the committee that the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) governing body appointed to make suggestions regarding the plans of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). This bound book includes a contents page, a diagram, and thirteen appendices. 'Report of the Committee Appointed by the Governing Body of CSIR : to Review - and Make Recommendations in Regard to - the Plans of the CCMB - file 2' is the same as this file. However, both copies are preserved since both have different annotations on the cover.

CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1983 - January to March

The file contains administrative and budgetary records pertaining to the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) from January to March 1983. This file contains correspondence, budget estimates, and budget proposals. This file contains letters either addressed to or written by the Finance and Accounts Officer, GS Sidhu, Director-General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), and many more. This also has a handwritten note. Enclosures are retained as found.

CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents - oversized records from January to September 1983

This file contains all oversized documents from January to September 1983. These are primarily budget projections. These records are kept separately for better preservation. This also contains a few undated records that are stored alongside the 1983 documents because they were enclosed with them.

Correspondence regarding construction of guest house at CCMB

This file contains correspondence with RS Panesar regarding the construction of the guest house at CCMB and discussions about some changes in the plan. It also contains area statements and cost estimates by CSIR and correspondence with S Jayaraman discussing estimates for furnishing the guest room. It also has a handwritten note. Enclosures are retained as found.

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Budget Revised Estimates for 1983 - 84 and Budget Estimates for 1984 - 85 - file 2

This file consists of a compilation of all the budget estimates for the financial years 1983–1984 and 1984–1985. This compilation contains the same information as the file 'Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Budget Revised Estimates for 1983 - 84 and Budget Estimates for 1984 - 85 - file 1'. However, this copy contains a few annotations that are absent from 'Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Budget Revised Estimates for 1983 - 84 and Budget Estimates for 1984 - 85 - file 1'.

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Budget Revised Estimates for 1983 - 84 and Budget Estimates for 1984 - 85 - oversized records 

This file includes loose, oversized documents titled 'Approved Services P-5 (ii)' and 'P-5 (ii) Services for which Approval is Awaited' that were placed inside the file titled 'Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Budget Revised Estimates for 1983 - 84 and Budget Estimates for 1984 - 85 - file 1'. These documents are preserved separately for preservation purposes.

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Annual Plan 1984 - 85, Project Budget RE 1983 - 84 and BE 1984-85 - file 3

This file is the third part of a bound book. This bound book consists of all annual plans, revised estimates, and budget estimates of projects for the years 1983–84 and 1984–85, respectively. This bound book also has administrative documents that mention the projects or achievements of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). Though this is in bound book form, it is divided into parts for better preservation of the documents. Hence, files from 'Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Annual Plan 1984 - 85, Project Budget RE 1983 - 84 and BE 1984-85 - file 1' to 'Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Annual Plan 1984 - 85, Project Budget RE 1983 - 84 and BE 1984-85 - file 8' along with the 'Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Annual Plan 1984 - 85, Project Budget RE 1983 - 84 and BE 1984-85 - oversized records' should be treated as originally part of a single-bound book.

Canteen block, ground and first floor - floor plan

This file has a floor plan. The details of construction costs are in 'CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1984 - file 2'. This has the floor plan for the canteen, ground as well as the first floor of CCMB. Even though these floor plans lack a date, they were affixed to the 1984-dated budget estimates, hence retained with documents from 1984.

Agenda : Eighth Meeting of the Executive Committee of CCMB, Hyderabad, 1st March, 1984 - file 1

This file contains details about the eighth agenda meeting of the executive committee, which was held on 1 March 1984. This file primarily documents issues related to the administration or management of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). This has records about purchases, work, and services that need to be looked after, et cetera. This book has many annotations in it. This file also had a few loose letters and records, which are stored in 'Agenda : Eighth Meeting of the Executive Committee of CCMB, Hyderabad, 1st March, 1984, 1984 - file 2'.

Agenda : Ninth Meeting of the Executive Committee of CCMB, Hyderabad, 12th May, 1984 - file 1

This file is the first part of a bound book. This file contains details about the ninth agenda meeting of the executive committee, which was held on May 12, 1984. These are mostly administrative documents and are in bound book form. This file primarily documents issues related to the administration or management of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). These records are mostly agendas, discussions, actions to be taken, et cetera. The cover of this book is also retained since it contains some annotations. Though this is in bound book form, it is divided into parts for better preservation of the documents. Hence, files from 'Agenda : Ninth Meeting of the Executive Committee of CCMB, Hyderabad, 12th May, 1984 - file 1' to 'Agenda : Ninth Meeting of the Executive Committee of CCMB, Hyderabad, 12th May, 1984 - file 3' should be treated as originally part of a single-bound book.

Agenda : Ninth Meeting of the Executive Committee of CCMB, Hyderabad, 12th May, 1984 - file 3

This file is the third part of a bound book. This file contains details about the ninth agenda meeting of the executive committee, which was held on May 12, 1984. These are mostly administrative documents and are in bound book form. This file primarily documents issues related to the administration or management of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). These records are mostly agendas, discussions, actions to be taken, et cetera. Though this is in bound book form, it is divided into parts for better preservation of the documents. Hence, files from 'Agenda : Ninth Meeting of the Executive Committee of CCMB, Hyderabad, 12th May, 1984 - file 1' to 'Agenda : Ninth Meeting of the Executive Committee of CCMB, Hyderabad, 12th May, 1984 - file 3' should be treated as originally part of a single-bound book.

Administrative documents regarding colour scheme and security at CCMB

This file contains documents about the colour scheme for the main building at CCMB, one internal memorandum and one office memorandum for the security of the central area and the west wing of the laboratory building. It also contains notes on discussion on infrastructure and furnishings. It also has correspondence with Anand Rao and Kranti Kumar. This file also has some handwritten notes.

CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1985 - October to December

The file contains administrative and budgetary records pertaining to the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) from October to December 1985. Most of the documents are administrative letters. This has a letter from N Sen of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and has an enclosure titled 'PLANNING DIVISION: record Note of the meeting held on 9.10.1985 (8.30 p.m.) in the Chamber of DGSIR to discuss additional equipment requirement for 1985-86 for CCMB and the note of CCMB prepared for the Governing body'. Copies of the same letter are retained since they have annotations on them. This file also includes a small chit and a handwritten note. Enclosures are retained as found.

Agenda : Thirteenth Meeting of the Executive Committee of CCMB, Hyderabad : 21st September, 1985 - file 2

This file contains loose documents that were inside the bound book 'Agenda : Thirteenth Meeting of the Executive Committee of CCMB, Hyderabad : 21st September, 1985 - file 1'. However, they are kept in a separate file for preservation purposes. This file has documents such as 'The minutes of the Finance Committee of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, held on Sunday, the 15th September, 1985, at 11-30 AM in the Committee Room of CCMB, Hyderabad', 'CSIR comments received vide telex dated 19.9.1985,' and many more. This file also has a few records that are undated and are placed at the end of the file.

Proposed canteen block at CCMB, Hyderabad

This file has a drawing for the construction of the proposed canteen; the details of its cost are in 'CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1984 - file 2'. This is the architectural drawing of the 'Proposed canteen block at CCMB' and has annotations in a red sketch pen on it. Even though these floor plans lack a date, they were affixed to the 1984-dated budget estimates, hence retained with documents from 1984.

Layout plan of 'Scientist's Hostel' at CCMB, Hyderabad

This file contains an architectural drawing of the first floor of the 'Scientist's Hostel' at CCMB, Hyderabad. The layout details of big rooms and small rooms mentioned in the architectural drawing can be found in the "Ground floor plan of 'Scientist's Hostel'" and "First-floor plan of 'Scientist's Hostel'".

Results 151 to 200 of 1089