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Pushpa Mittra Bhargava Fonds
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Outline of 'Science the eternal quest'

This annotated file contains outline of the exhibition on 'Science : the eternal quest'. For other versions of the draft refer to files 'NCERT Exhibition' content and 'Rais Ahmed's Assignment (NCERT)'.

List of visitors to Method of Science Exhibition

This file contains lists of visitors to the Method of Science Exhibition. There is a document pertaining to the content of the exhibition. There is a partial list of distinguished visitors, a list of some distinguished visitors who saw the exhibition while it was installed at the Bal Bhavan, and six annotated copies of the list of teenagers (15–17) for NCERT, one of which is handwritten. This also contains a few more handwritten lists of visitors, along with some handwritten notes.

Instructions for press and size - file 1

This file contains instructions for the press as well as the size of the prints for the Method of Science Exhibition content. The corresponding leaflets can be found in 'Leaflets for instructions for press and size, files 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5'. This also has a handwritten page.

Instructions for press and size - file 2

This file contains instructions for the press as well as the size of the prints for the Method of Science Exhibition content. The corresponding leaflets can be found in 'Leaflets for instructions for press and size, files 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5'. This also has a few handwritten pages.

Setting up of Method of Science Exhibition - NCERT - file 2

This file consists of the list of materials that were used to set up the Method of Science Exhibition in Delhi when it was under the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). This file also includes guidelines for the personnel regarding the tasks required for the setup of the exhibition.

Documents regarding volunteers for Method of Science Exhibition - file 1

This file consists of all the information for the volunteers for the Method of Science Exhibition. This file consists of recruitment notices, instructions, and a list with the names of the volunteers. This also contains forms for applying for the post of volunteer from both the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and the Andhra Pradesh era. However, most of the documents pertain to the Andhra Pradesh era of the exhibition.

Write-ups pertaining to Method of Science Exhibition - file 3

This file comprises write-ups authored by PM Bhargava pertaining to the Method of Science Exhibition. There are three distinct versions of the identical title. The title of the document is  'A short note on THE METHOD OF SCIENCE at Bal Bhavan, Kotla Marg, New Delhi 110 002'. This file includes a few other documents titled 'Exhibition on the Method of Science', 'Draft statement for the Method of Science Exhibition brochure for submission to the Prime Minister', and also two copies each of two untitled write-ups. All documents in this file are numbered.

Draft of 'A matter of method : a report on the method of science exhibition' - file 4

This file consists of the draft version of the report 'A matter of method: a report on the method of science exhibition'. Vasantha Surya penned this report on the Method of Science Exhibition. This report provides a timeline of events leading up to the judgement from the Andhra Pradesh High Court. These pages have annotations. This file has a folder, which is also annotated.

Annotated version of 'A matter of method : a report on the method of science exhibition' - file 1

This file consists of the annotated draft of the report 'A matter of method: a report on the method of science exhibition'. Vasantha Surya penned this report on the Method of Science Exhibition. This report provides a timeline of events leading up to the judgement from the Andhra Pradesh High Court. Almost all the pages in this draft are annotated. This, however, does not contain the epilogue page. This also contains detailed information about the contents of the exhibition during its National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) era. 

Newspaper articles on dismantling of Method of Science Exhibition - file 1

This file consists of newspaper articles that pertain to the dismantling of the Method of Science Exhibition. These articles were written in support of the exhibition and condemned the dismantling. This file also includes a listing of all the article titles, and the newspapers are arranged according to this list. Most of the articles are originals and have annotations on them. However, there are a few photocopies too. Additionally, there are a few newspaper articles in clipping form. This has an article published in The Patriot, the 'Mystery demolition of Bal Bhavan exhibition.' The article is divided into two parts, with the second part located on the verso of the newspaper.

Newspaper articles on dismantling of Method of Science Exhibition - file 2

This file consists of newspaper articles that pertain to the dismantling of the Method of Science Exhibition. These articles were written in support of the exhibition and condemned the dismantling. The newspaper articles are arranged as per the list found in file 'Newspaper articles on Method of Science Exhibition - file 1'. Most of the articles are originals and have annotations on them. Multiple copies of the originals are retained because they contain annotations. However, there are a few photocopies too. Additionally, there are a few newspaper articles in clipping form. 

Photocopies of newspaper articles on dismantling of Method of Science Exhibition - file 1

This file consists of photocopies of newspaper articles that pertain to the dismantling of the Method of Science Exhibition. These articles were written in support of the exhibition and condemned the dismantling. This also contains the list which can be found in the file 'Newspaper articles on Method of Science Exhibition - file 1'. Since these photocopies are all annotated, they have been filed. A few photocopies from the list are missing, but the originals for these can be found in 'Newspaper articles on Method of Science Exhibition - file 1'.

Miscellaneous newspaper articles pertaining of Method of Science Exhibition- file 1

This file contains newspaper articles from 1977 and 1979 regarding the Method of Science Exhibition. These are newspaper clippings. This file includes articles from The Hindu, The Economic Times, and many more. This contains both the printed and typed versions of the article titled 'Meaningful work in science' by Vasantha Surya, which was published in The Hindu.

Setting up of CCMB - file 1

This file contains a list of contents, documents on the justification for the location of the proposed centre for research and development at RRLH, and a provisional recommendation of the Director-General, CSIR. It also contains a draft charter for scientists and for CCMB along with a note on the method of selection of research fellows and a suggested budget for CCMB. Enclosures are retained as found. The remaining pages for this file can be found in 'Setting up - file 2'.

Setting up of CCMB - file 2

This file contains revised estimates for 1976-77and budget estimates for 1977-78, a note on the foreign exchange allotment, significant research work done at CCMB (1982-1983), and a report of the committee constituted by the Director-General, CSIR, to make recommendations on the proposal for the setting up of CCMB. Enclosures are retained as found. The first half of the file can be found in 'Setting up - file 1'.

Correspondence related to administration and accounts - file 2

This file contains administration and accounts-related correspondence pertaining to infrastructure, visits of scientists, travel, and a selection committee meeting. It also has documents pertaining to health and chemical hazard data, an international symposium in Madras, a symposium by the Indian Institute of Experimental Medicine and a seminar. This file contains few handwritten notes. Enclosures are retained as found.

Correspondence related to administration and accounts - file 5

This file contains administration and accounts-related correspondence about infrastructure, the purchase of chemicals, travel, the deputation of staff, and a symposium. It includes correspondence regarding PM Bhargava's visit to the USA for lectures and some correspondence with Bharat Bhushan. It also contains handwritten notes. Enclosures are retained as found.

Administrative documents for CCMB from 1979

This file contains administrative records related to the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). The contents of this file pertain to the year 1979. The majority of the documents in this file consist of administrative correspondence, one document being a carbon copy of a handwritten letter addressed to the Director of the Regional Research Laboratory (RRL) by J Sasidharan Pillai of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). This file contains letters either addressed to or written by JS Bhatnagar, Administrative Officer of the Regional Research Laboratory (RRL), VS Hegde, Civil Engineer, and many more. Additionally, it includes a 'List of scientists from whom some may be invited to visit CCMB, Hyderabad, during the next three years (1978–79, 1979–80, 1980–81), the number depending each year on the availability of funds'.

CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1980 - January to March

The file encompasses a collection of administrative and budgetary records pertaining to the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) from January to March of 1980. The majority of the documents are administrative letters and memoranda; however, there are also a few invoices and a small handwritten note. This file contains letters either addressed to or written by JS Bhatnagar, Administrative Officer of RRL (Regional Research Laboratory), GS Sidhu, Director of CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research), and many more. Most of the documents in this file are originals. Enclosures are retained as found.

CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1980 - April to May

The file encompasses a collection of administrative and budgetary records pertaining to the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) from April to May of 1980. There are budget estimates, lists, and letters in this file. This includes a letter from PM Bhargava to Nityanand, Director of the Central Drug Research Institute, as well as all project-specific budget estimates. This letter also has many annexures, which are retained as found. This file also includes letters either addressed to or written by GS Sidhu, Director-General of CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research), Raghavendra Rao, Librarian, and many more.

CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1980 - July and report on the visit of PM Bhargava

This file has a report titled 'Report on the visit of PM Bhargava to France vide CSIR O M No. 18(236)/21-80-ISC-II dated 13th May 1980'. This report is from July 1980 and has multiple appendices that give in-depth details of PM Bhargava's visit to France. All these appendices are retained as found. This file also includes a 'List of persons in Paris and suburbs whom Dr. Bhargava will like to meet'.

CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1980 - August to November

The predominant portion of this file has reports and minutes of meetings pertaining to the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) from August to November of 1980. However, this file contains letters written by or addressed to R Vaidyeswaran, and MGK Menon, Director-General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). This file includes documents such as  'Report on the visit of Dr PM Bhargava to West Germany and United Kingdom during July 1980', ‘Report of the visit of Dr PM Bhargava to Varna, Bulgaria during September 1980’, and ‘Minutes of meeting held on 5.11.1980 at 2.30 p.m. in the Committee Room of RRL(H) to consider Purchase matters pertaining to CCMB’.

CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1981 - February to August

The file contains administrative and budgetary records pertaining to the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) from February to August 1981. The majority of the records consist of budgetary or accounts-related documents. This file contains the 'List of some visitors to CCMB during September 1980 - February 1981'. This file contains letters written by or addressed to Radhey Shiam, Senior Finance and Accounts Officer, SS Viswanathan, Chief (Finance) of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), and others. This also has a few handwritten notes. Enclosures are retained as found.

CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1981 - September to December

The file contains administrative and budgetary records pertaining to the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) from September to December 1981. This file contains budget estimates, lists, and correspondence. This contains records such as 'Details of sanctioned posts', 'Chemicals position of purchase (December 1981)', and 'Foreign Chemicals (Old Files)'. This file contains letters to or from KN Johry, Head of International Scientific Collaboration at CSIR. This also has a small handwritten note. Enclosures are retained as found.

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad : Annual Plan 1981 - 82, Project Budget RE 1981 - 82 and BE 1982 - 83 - file 3

Though these loose documents are part of 'Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Annual Plan 1982 - 83, Project Budget RE 1981 - 82 and BE 1982 - 83 - file 1' they belong to the year 1981. These are mostly administrative and budgetary records pertaining to the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). All the enclosures are retained as found. This file also includes a handwritten note.

Correspondence with associated architectural drawings

This file contains correspondence that had architectural drawings enclosed with them. It contains correspondence about the architectural drawings of the 'Layout plan of the campus,' 'floor plan of all the buildings,' 'Canteen first floor at CCMB,' 'proposed canteen block elevation' and 'Master plan of CCMB colony'. Two letters dated 4 February 1985 and 21 February 1984 respectively are enclosed.

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