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Curatorial text pertaining to Method of Science Exhibition - Hyderabad

This file contains curatorial text created for the Hyderabad phase of the Method of Science Exhibition. The corresponding leaflets can be found in the file 'Leaflets from Method of Science Exhibition - Hyderabad'. All documents in this file are annotated. This also contains a notice with all the details of the timing, fees, et cetera. for the exhibition.

Instructions for press and size - file 2

This file contains instructions for the press as well as the size of the prints for the Method of Science Exhibition content. The corresponding leaflets can be found in 'Leaflets for instructions for press and size, files 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5'. This also has a few handwritten pages.

Instructions for press and size - file 1

This file contains instructions for the press as well as the size of the prints for the Method of Science Exhibition content. The corresponding leaflets can be found in 'Leaflets for instructions for press and size, files 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5'. This also has a handwritten page.

Annotated copies of 'The story of the Method of Science' and six hand drawings of exhibition layout

This file contains annotated, typed copies of a document titled 'The story of the Method of Science' containing the names also mentioned in the typed storyboard (Refer to file 'Storyboard for Method of Science Exhibition with visuals, effects and commentary'). Includes a version of the document handwritten in pencil. The annotations are corrections to the text. The file also contains six hand drawings in pencil indicating how certain displays are to be arranged.

List of visitors to Method of Science Exhibition

This file contains lists of visitors to the Method of Science Exhibition. There is a document pertaining to the content of the exhibition. There is a partial list of distinguished visitors, a list of some distinguished visitors who saw the exhibition while it was installed at the Bal Bhavan, and six annotated copies of the list of teenagers (15–17) for NCERT, one of which is handwritten. This also contains a few more handwritten lists of visitors, along with some handwritten notes.

Suggestions pertaining to Method of Science Exhibition

This file mostly contains suggestions on the changes to be made to the content of the Method of Science Exhibition. This also has lists of issues to be addressed to make the exhibition better. This file has a few handwritten notes. It also contains a letter from Rais Ahmed addressed to PM Bhargava.

Feedback pertaining to Method of Science Exhibition - NCERT - file 4

This file contains feedback forms pertaining to the Method of Science Exhibition. This feedback belongs to the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) era of the exhibition. Every feedback form in this file has a name and annotations. On one of the feedback forms, there is additional handwritten feedback.

Feedback pertaining to Method of Science Exhibition - NCERT - file 3

file contains feedback forms pertaining to the Method of Science Exhibition. This feedback belongs to the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) era of the exhibition. Every feedback form in this file has a name and annotations. This also has a page of handwritten feedback along with one feedback form.

Feedback pertaining to Method of Science Exhibition - NCERT - file 1

This file contains mostly handwritten feedback pertaining to the Method of Science Exhibition. This feedback belongs to the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) era of the exhibition. This contains a few pages related to the content of the exhibition and five copies of the printed feedback forms, four annotated and one without any annotation.

Outline of 'Science the eternal quest'

This annotated file contains outline of the exhibition on 'Science : the eternal quest'. For other versions of the draft refer to files 'NCERT Exhibition' content and 'Rais Ahmed's Assignment (NCERT)'.

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