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Contour map of RRL(H) campus

This file contains an architectural drawing of the contour map of the Regional Research Laboratory (RRL), Hyderabad, campus at CCMB. It is marked as DRG NO. B 220.

Master plan of CCMB : enclosure - file 2

This architectural drawing is part of the file 'Committee to study the plans and proposals of CCMB' and is placed in a new file for better preservation. This contains the master plan of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). Both copies of the architectural drawings are retained.

Layout plan of 'Scientist's Hostel' at CCMB, Hyderabad

This file contains an architectural drawing of the first floor of the 'Scientist's Hostel' at CCMB, Hyderabad. The layout details of big rooms and small rooms mentioned in the architectural drawing can be found in the "Ground floor plan of 'Scientist's Hostel'" and "First-floor plan of 'Scientist's Hostel'".

Master plan of CCMB : enclosure - file 1

This architectural drawing is part of the file 'Committee to study the plans and proposals of CCMB' and is placed in a new file for better preservation. This contains the master plan of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). Both copies of the architectural drawings are retained.

Master plan of CCMB colony - enclosure

This file contains an architectural drawing of the elevation of the proposed canteen block at CCMB, Hyderabad which was enclosed with a letter, signed on 25 February 1985. The letter can be found in the file 'Correspondence with associated architectural drawings'.

Proposed canteen block elevation - enclosure

This file contains an architectural drawing of the elevation of the proposed canteen block at CCMB, Hyderabad which was enclosed with a letter. It was signed on 6 February 1984. It is marked as DRG NO. 3. The letter can be found in the file 'Correspondence with associated architectural drawings'.

Canteen first floor at CCMB - enclosure

This file contains an architectural drawing of the ground floor and first floor of the proposed canteen block at CCMB, Hyderabad which was enclosed with a letter. It is dated 10 May 1984. It is marked as DRG NO. 04. The letter can be found in the file 'Correspondence with associated architectural drawings'.

Floor plan of all buildings of CCMB

This file contains an architectural drawing of the floor plan of all buildings, dated 12 April 1984 which was enclosed with a letter. It is marked as DRG NO. 70. The letter can be found in the file 'Correspondence with associated architectural drawings'.

Proposed canteen block at CCMB, Hyderabad

This file has a drawing for the construction of the proposed canteen; the details of its cost are in 'CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1984 - file 2'. This is the architectural drawing of the 'Proposed canteen block at CCMB' and has annotations in a red sketch pen on it. Even though these floor plans lack a date, they were affixed to the 1984-dated budget estimates, hence retained with documents from 1984.

Layout plan of the campus - enclosure

This file contains an architectural drawing of the layout plan of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) campus that was attached to a letter as an enclosure. It is marked as DRG NO. 1.

Canteen block, ground and first floor - floor plan

This file has a floor plan. The details of construction costs are in 'CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1984 - file 2'. This has the floor plan for the canteen, ground as well as the first floor of CCMB. Even though these floor plans lack a date, they were affixed to the 1984-dated budget estimates, hence retained with documents from 1984.

CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents - oversized records from March 1984 - file 1

The file contains administrative and budgetary records pertaining to the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) from March 1984. All the records consist of budgetary or accounts-related documents. These are mostly budget estimates. One of the estimates is not dated, but it is kept alongside the one that does have a date since the two were attached together. Along with these budgetary documents, there were also four architectural drawings and one-floor plan attached, and these are stored in different files for better preservation of the materials. The architectural drawings are part of the subseries 'architectural drawings'. The titles of these architectural drawing files are 'Canteen block, ground & first floor', 'Proposed canteen block at CCMB, Hyderabad - file 1', Proposed canteen block at CCMB, Hyderabad - file 2', and 'Proposed canteen block at CCMB, Hyderabad - file 3'. The file with the floor plan is titled 'Canteen block, ground and first floor - floor plan'. The records from files titled 'CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1984 - March file 2 and file 3' are also continuations of this file.

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Annual Plan 1984 - 85, Project Budget RE 1983 - 84 and BE 1984-85 - oversized records

This file consists of the oversized records of the bound book titled 'Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Annual Plan 1984 - 85, Project Budget RE 1983 - 84 and BE 1984-85 file 1 to file 8'. These eight files along with the oversized records, should be treated as originally part of a single bound book. 

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Budget Revised Estimates for 1983 - 84 and Budget Estimates for 1984 - 85 - oversized records 

This file includes loose, oversized documents titled 'Approved Services P-5 (ii)' and 'P-5 (ii) Services for which Approval is Awaited' that were placed inside the file titled 'Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Budget Revised Estimates for 1983 - 84 and Budget Estimates for 1984 - 85 - file 1'. These documents are preserved separately for preservation purposes.

CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents - oversized records from January to September 1983

This file contains all oversized documents from January to September 1983. These are primarily budget projections. These records are kept separately for better preservation. This also contains a few undated records that are stored alongside the 1983 documents because they were enclosed with them.

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad - 500 009 : Budget Revised Estimates for 1985 - 86 and Budget Estimates for 1986 - 87

This file consists of a compilation of all the budget estimates for the financial years 1985–1986 and 1986–1987. This also has a small handwritten note that says, 'Budget copy of Director'. Along with it, there is also a loose printed paper titled 'Sanctioned Estimates for the year 1984–85' and both are placed inside this book. This also has a contents page that contains all the information that is to be found in this compiled book.

Agenda : Thirteenth Meeting of the Executive Committee of CCMB, Hyderabad : 21st September, 1985 - file 2

This file contains loose documents that were inside the bound book 'Agenda : Thirteenth Meeting of the Executive Committee of CCMB, Hyderabad : 21st September, 1985 - file 1'. However, they are kept in a separate file for preservation purposes. This file has documents such as 'The minutes of the Finance Committee of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, held on Sunday, the 15th September, 1985, at 11-30 AM in the Committee Room of CCMB, Hyderabad', 'CSIR comments received vide telex dated 19.9.1985,' and many more. This file also has a few records that are undated and are placed at the end of the file.

Agenda : Thirteenth Meeting of the Executive Committee of CCMB, Hyderabad : 21st September, 1985 - file 1

This file contains details about the thirteenth agenda meeting of the executive committee, which was held on 21 September 1985. This file primarily documents issues related to the administration or management of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). This has records about purchases, work, and services that need to be looked after, et cetera. This book has many annotations in it. This file also had a few loose letters and records, which are stored in 'Agenda : Thirteenth Meeting of the Executive Committee of CCMB, Hyderabad : 21st September, 1985 - file 2'.

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