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Correspondence related to inviting PM Bhargava to participate in the symposium held at AIIMS, New Delhi on 17-18 May, 2010

This file includes correspondence between Malabika Roy, Suneta Mittal and PM Bhargava requesting PM Bhargava to participate in the symposium on 'Ethics issues related to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Research' dated 17 - 18 May, 2010 at AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences), New Delhi.

Correspondence related to a draft programme schedule to the International Seminar on the Centenary of Hind Swaraj

This file contains a draft schedule for the International Seminar on the Centenary of Hind Swaraj scheduled for 12 - 14 February, 2009, at the India International Centre, New Delhi. Additional files related to the conference can be found in the files titled 'Correspondence pertaining to inviting various dignitaries to the International Seminar on the Centenary of Hind Swaraj' and 'Correspondence relating to submissions of paper abstracts to the International Seminar on the Centenary of Hind Swaraj'.

Correspondence relating to submissions of paper abstracts to the International Seminar on the Centenary of Hind Swaraj

This file contains correspondence pertaining to the submission of paper abstracts for the International Seminar on the Centenary of Hind Swaraj, scheduled for 12 - 14 February, 2009, at the India International Centre, New Delhi. Additional information regarding the seminar is detailed in the files titled 'Correspondence related to inviting various dignitaries to the International Seminar on the Centenary of Hind Swaraj' and 'Correspondence related to a draft program schedule for the International Seminar on the Centenary of Hind Swaraj.'

Correspondence pertaining to inviting various dignitaries to the International Seminar on the Centenary of Hind Swaraj

This document contains correspondence from PM Bhargava inviting esteemed individuals such as Harsh Gupta, a Raja Ramanna Fellow, T Haque, and others, to the 'International Seminar marking the Centenary of Hind Swaraj', scheduled for 12 - 14 February, 2009, at the India International Centre, New Delhi. Additional related files can be found in the files title 'Correspondence related to submissions of paper abstracts to the International Seminar on the Centenary of Hind Swaraj' and 'Correspondence related to a draft program schedule for the International Seminar on the Centenary of Hind Swaraj'.

Correspondence on the invitation made to PM Bhargava to participate in a seminar organized by Alam Khundmiri Foundation

This file contains communication regarding PM Bhargava's invitation to attend the seminar on the theme 'Radical Enlightenment and the Socialist Alternative' organized by the Alam Khundmiri Foundation from 14 - 16 January, 2009. The seminar took place at the English and Foreign Languages University in Hyderabad.

Documents pertaining to attendance at 'PCOS 2008 Scientific Program' from 2008 - February to March

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the 'PCOS 2008 Scientific Program' held from 14 - 17 August , 2008, in Goa. The letters and printouts of emails in this file are from February to March 2008. All letters or printouts of emails in this file are either addressed to or written by Sulbha Arora, Senior Clinical Associate of PCOS 2008. Most of the letters and printouts of the emails in this file have enclosures, which are retained as found. Two copies of the same letter are preserved since they have different annotations on them. This file also includes PM Bhargava's CV and an abstract of his talk, which are retained along with one of the printouts of an email; however, the photograph mentioned here is missing.

Documents pertaining to attendance at 'PCOS 2008 Scientific Program' from 2008 - August

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the 'PCOS 2008 Scientific Program' held from 14 - 17 August, 2008, in Goa. The documents in this file are from August 2008. There are two printouts of emails in this file: one from Sulbha Arora, Joint Organizing Secretary of PCOS 2008, and another from Gautam N Allahbadia, Congress President of PCOS 2008, Goral Gandhi, Joint Organizing Secretary of PCOS 2008, and Sulbha Arora, Joint Organizing Secretary of PCOS 2008. One of the letters and printouts of the emails in this file have enclosures. This also has a document titled 'Statement of expenses incurred by Dr PM Bhargava for attending the meeting in Goa, on the 15th, 16th and 17th August 2008' which has four annexures.

Documents pertaining to seventh world atheist conference - file 1

The Atheist Centre at Siddhartha Auditorium of the Siddhartha Arts and Science College organized the 7th World Atheist Conference on 'March of Atheism' on January 5–7, 2009, inaugurated by PM Bhargava. This file contains documents such as a letter with conference details, a photocopy of train tickets, an invitation card (along with its envelope), a pamphlet, a programme list, a document with the translation of the welcome song in English, and a participation card. The original file also contained a letter pertaining to a meeting with Basic Research, Education, and Development Society (BREAD) scholars at Vijayawada that is dated 19 December, 2008, a wedding invitation (along with its envelope), a pamphlet of the Maulik Adhikar Party, a small write-up in Hindi about rationality, and many visiting cards, which are also retained in the end part of the file.

Documents pertaining to attendance at 'PCOS 2008 Scientific Program' from 2008 - March to July

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the 'PCOS 2008 Scientific Program' held from 14 - 17 August , 2008, in Goa. The letters and printouts of emails in this file are from March to July 2008. The letters or printouts of emails in this file are either addressed to or written by Sulbha Arora, Senior Clinical Associate of PCOS 2008, Goral Gandhi, Joint Organizing Secretary of PCOS 2008, and many more. A few of the letters and printouts of the emails in this file have enclosures, which are retained as found. One of the email printouts has copies of PM Bhargava's flight tickets as attachments. Most letters or printouts of emails have annotations on them. This file also includes a few handwritten notes.

Documents pertaining to attendance at workshop on surrogacy held by Ministry of Women and Child Development

This file contains documents pertaining to attendance at the half-day workshop, which was organized by the Ministry of Women and Child Development on June 25, 2008. The letters included in this file are all either written by or addressed to Loveleen Kaur, Joint Secretary at the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India.  One of the letters has an enclosure titled 'Surrogate Motherhood: A Draft Concept Note' that is dated 11 January, 2007. This file also contains photocopies of the flight tickets for reimbursement purposes. 

Documents pertaining to attendance at special symposium '"IVF Surrogacy Rent a Womb" - Medical Miracle or Commercialization'

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the special symposium '"IVF Surrogacy Rent a Womb" - Medical Miracle or Commercialization' held on the occasion of the Calcutta Club Health and Beauty Festival, 29 June, 2008. There are multiple types of documents in this file, like correspondence about PM Bhargava's travel plans, resumes of the speakers, programme schedules, handwritten notes, et cetera. This file includes an introduction to the symposium by Sudarshan Ghosh Dastidar. Most of the documents in this file are undated and thus are retained as found. The folder in which these papers were found is also saved because it has some annotations on it.

Documents pertaining to 6th world atheist conference

This file consists of documents pertaining to the 6th World Atheist Conference that was organized by the Atheist Centre, Vijayawada, on 5 January, 2007. This file includes documents such as a letter of invitation from the conference's convenors, Vijayaram Samaram, Maru, and Vikas Gora, a programme list, and a small invitation card.

Correspondence on the invitation made to PM Bhargava to make the keynote address at the AMSB Knowledge Management Seminar

This file contains correspondence between PM Bhargava and the organizers of KM-MCEME (Knowledge Management - Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering), inviting PM Bhargava to deliver the theme address at the AMSB Seminar on Knowledge Management, which took place at MCEME Secunderabad from 14 - 15 November, 2007. Additional related files to the seminar can be found in the file titled 'Brochures and a booklets of the AMSB Knowledge Management Seminar'.

Documents pertaining to attendance at 'World Congress on Fallopian Tubes' from 2007

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the 'World Congress on Fallopian Tubes' held at Taj Bengal and The Oberoi Grand, Kolkata, on 18 - 21 October, 2007. All the documents in this file are from January to August, 2007. The letters or printouts of emails in this file are either addressed to or written by Ovrang Djahanbakhch, Congress Chair, Organizing Secretary, Gautam Allahbadia, Congress President, and many more. This file also has a letter written by Sulbha Arora, Senior Clinical Associate and Director of the Oocyte Donation Program, Joint Organizing Secretary, which has the brochure for this event attached along with me.

Documents pertaining to attendance at 'PCOS 2008 Scientific Program' from 2007 - September to November

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the 'PCOS 2008 Scientific Program' held from 14 - 17 August 2008, in Goa. The letters and printouts of emails in this file are from September to November 2007. The letters or printouts of emails in this file are either addressed to or written by Gautam Allahbadia, Congress President of PCOS 2008, Sulbha Arora, Senior Clinical Associate of PCOS 2008, and many more. One of the printouts in this file has a handwritten letter on it. Two copies of the same letter are preserved since they have different annotations on them.

Correspondence pertaining to attendance at second and third 'International Conference on Ethics, Science and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' from 2006 - January to November

This file contains correspondence pertaining to attendance at the second and third 'International Conference on Ethics, Science, and Moral Philosophy of Assisted Human Reproduction' held in April 2006 and 19 and 20, November 2006, in Istanbul and Bombay, respectively. All the letters and printouts of emails in this file are from January 2006. The letters or printouts of emails in this file are either addressed to or written by Robert G Edwards, Chief Editor, Reproductive BioMedicine Online, Amar Jesani from Centre for Studies in Ethics and Rights, and many more. This file includes a document titled 'Statement of expenses incurred by Dr PM Bhargava for the visits to Mumbai for the meeting regarding the 2006 National Conference' which had photocopies of the tickets submitted for reimbursement. This file also has a handwritten note from November 2006, and the remaining handwritten notes are undated; however, these are retained as found.

Correspondence on the invitation made to PM Bhargava and other dignitaries to the NAMS symposium

This file contains correspondence related to invitation of PM Bhargava and other dignitaries to the National Academy of Medical Science's (NAMS) Symposium on 'Recent advances in prevention and management of Cancer', which was held at National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, on 28 - 29 October, 2006. The file also contains minutes of the joint meeting on advisory, organizing and scientific communities held on August 26, 2006. Additional related file to the symposium can be found in the file titled 'Programme details of the National Academy of Medical Sciences Symposium'.

Correspondence pertaining to writing a paper for the National Seminar organized by NIEPA

This file contains correspondence pertaining to asking PB Bhargava to write a paper for the 'National Seminar on Education Commission: Revisiting the Commission's Premises, Vision, and Impact on Policy Formulation' which was organized by NIEPA (National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration) on November 2006. The file also contains a concept paper and the paper written for the seminar by PM Bhargava.

Programme details of the National Academy of Medical Sciences Symposium

This file contains programme details of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) symposium, held on 17 December, 2006, at Asmita Bhawan, Ahmedabad. Additionally it also contains biodatas of the dignitaries invited to the symposium. Also refer to 'Correspondence on the invitation made to PM Bhargava and other dignitaries to the NAMS symposium'.

Correspondence pertaining to the invitation to participate in the International Conference for Science and Communicators in Brazil, which took place from April 10 - 14, 2005

This file contains correspondence pertaining to the invitation offered to PM Bhargava to participate in the International Conference for Science and Communicators in Brazil, which took place from April 10 - 14, 2005. Also refer to 'Programme schedule and abstract of the conference in Brazil, 2005', 'Correspondence pertaining to the travel itineraries and accommodation for the conference in Brazil, 2005' and 'Newspapers pertaining to the International Conference for Science and Communicators in Brazil'.

Correspondence pertaining to the travel itineraries and accommodation for the conference in Brazil, 2005

This file contains correspondence regarding the travel itinerary and accommodation for the 3rd International Conference for Science and Communicators in Brazil from April 10 - 14, 2005. Additional associated files for the conferences can be found in the file titled 'Correspondence pertaining to the invitation to participate in the International Conference for Science and Communicators in Brazil, which took place from April 10 - 14, 2005', 'Programme schedule and abstract of the conference in Brazil, 2005' and 'Newspapers pertaining to the International Conference for Science and Communicators in Brazil'.

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