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Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - March to April

This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. The majority of the letters in this file pertain to the Advisory Committee on Space Sciences (ADCOS). This file contains letters and telegrams from March 1981 to April 1981. All the letters in this file are either addressed to or written by MK Tiwari, Scientist, ISRO. One of the letters in this file includes a document titled 'Proposal for Inclusion of Two Scientists from India in an Antarctic Expedition Team at the Earliest Possible'. The first letter in this file is undated but kept here because it is connected to the other letters in the file.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - May

This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. This file contains a letter from May 1981. This file comprises a single letter authored by MK Tiwari, a Scientist at ISRO. The letter pertains to the third meeting of the Advisory Committee on Space Sciences (ADCOS), which occurred on 16 April, 1981, at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics. The letter also has an enclosure titled 'Minutes of the Third Meeting of the Advisory Committee for Space Sciences Held at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore on April 16, 1981', which is retained as found.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - June

This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. This file contains letters from June 1981. This file has letters pertaining to the election of different officials at the National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS). This file also includes documents containing the names of the candidates as well as ballots, which are preserved in their original order.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - June to July

This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. The letters in this file pertain to the Advisory Committee on Space Sciences (ADCOS), the International Medical Sciences Academy (IMSA), and the National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS). This file contains letters and telegrams from June to July, 1981. The letters in this file are either addressed to or written by RR Daniel, Senior Professor of Physics at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, RR Thukral, Secretary General, IMSA, and many more.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - July

This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. This file contains a letter from July, 1981. This file contains a letter sent by SK Lal, the Honorary Secretary of NAMS. The letter contains multiple enclosures, which are retained as found. Some of these enclosures are 'Extracts from minutes of the Council Meeting held at Bombay on the 27th March, 1981', 'National Academy of Medical Sciences (Registered Under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860)' and many more.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - July to August

This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. The majority of the letters in this file pertain to the Advisory Committee on Space Sciences (ADCOS). This file contains letters and telegrams from July 1981 to August 1981. This file contains letters either addressed to or written by RR Daniel, Chairman, ADCOS, and Senior Professor of Physics at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, RD Despande, Science Counsellor at the Embassy of India in Washington, USA, and many more. Some of the letters have enclosures, which are retained as found. This file contains an undated letter, accompanied by a few enclosed letters. When organizing this letter, the dates on the enclosure are taken into account. Two copies of the same letter are preserved since they have different annotations on them.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - November - file 1

This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. This file contains a letter from November 1981. This file comprises two copies of a single letter authored by YS Rajan, Scientific Secretary, ISRO. Two copies of the same letter are preserved since they have different annotations on them. The letter is a call for abstracts for the XXIV COSPAR meeting, which was held in Canada from 17 May to 2 June, 1982. This letter also includes an enclosure, which is retained as found. However, half of the enclosure is stored in a file labelled 'Documents related to CCMB's partnership with ISRO for conducting life science studies aboard NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - November - file 2' to ensure better preservation.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - November - file 2

This file is a continuation of the file labelled 'Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - November - file 1' and includes the remaining enclosure, which is kept here to ensure better preservation.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - November - file 3

This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. The majority of the letters in this file pertain to the Advisory Committee on Space Sciences (ADCOS). This file contains letters and telegrams from November 1981. This file contains letters either written by or addressed to RR Daniel, Chairman, ADCOS, and Senior Professor of Physics at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. The last letter in this file, which is written by RR Daniel and is dated 27 November, 1981, also contains an enclosure titled 'Note Submitted to ADCOS for the Preparation of a Profile for Space Science for the Decade of the 1980s' which is retained as found. However, for better preservation, half of this enclosure is preserved in the file labelled 'Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - November - file 4'.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - November - file 4

This file is a continuation of the file labelled 'Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1981 - November - file 4' and includes the remaining enclosure, which is kept here to ensure better preservation. This file also includes a small handwritten note.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from December 1981 to May 1982

This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. The majority of the letters in this file pertain to the Advisory Committee on Space Sciences (ADCOS). This file contains letters and telegrams from December 1981 to May 1982. This file contains letters either written by or addressed to RR Daniel, Chairman, ADCOS, and Senior Professor of Physics at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, UR Rao, Director of ISRO, and many more.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1982 - May

This file includes documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for conducting life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab. This file contains a letter from May 1982. This file contains a letter authored by MK Tiwari, Non-member Secretary of ISRO. The letter contains an enclosure titled 'Report of the Activities of the Advisory Committee for Space Sciences (ADCOS) in the Duration May 1980 - April 1982'. This file also contains a programme overleaf.

Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1978 - June - file 4

This file consists of the cover of the booklet titled 'Life Sciences Flight Investigations on Space Shuttle/Spacelab Missions (NASA)' for better preservation. The documents inside the booklet are stored in the file labelled 'Documents pertaining to CCMB's collaboration with ISRO to conduct life science experiments on NASA's Spacelab from 1978 - June - file 3'.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1975 - file 1

This contains documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Regional Research Laboratory Hyderabad (RRL), Hyderabad, and Wichita State University, Kansas, USA, on the 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project. The representatives of the two parties were PM Bhargava, Deputy Director of RRL, and Ram P Singhal from the Department of Chemistry at Wichita State University. The documents in this file are from 1975. All the letters in this file were exchanged between Ram P Singhal and PM Bhargava. This file includes a letter addressed to Ram P Singhal, accompanied by the project proposal on 'Nutritional control of translational errors'. This proposal is divided into four parts. Only the first part of the proposal is included in this file, while the remaining portions are retained in a separate file labelled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1975 - file 2', 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1975 - file 3' and 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1975 - file 4' to ensure better preservation.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1975 - file 3

This file contains the third part of the project proposal on 'Nutritional control of translational errors'. This file is the continuation of the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1975 - file 2'.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1975 - file 4

The initial section of the file contains the fourth part of the project proposal on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' and is the continuation of the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1975 - file 3'. However, the last section of the file includes a correspondence penned by Ram P Singhal, which is unrelated to the project proposal document, and this is retained chronologically.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - January to April - file 1

This contains documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Regional Research Laboratory Hyderabad (RRL), Hyderabad, and Wichita State University, Kansas, USA, on the 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project. The representatives of the two parties were PM Bhargava, Deputy Director of RRL, and Ram P Singhal from the Department of Chemistry at Wichita State University. The documents in this file are from January 1976 to April 1976. All the letters in this file were exchanged between Ram P Singhal and PM Bhargava. This file additionally includes the initial portion of the document titled 'Preliminary Proposal Submitted to National Science Foundation Washington, D.C. by Regional Research Laboratory Hyderabad, India and Department of Chemistry Wichita State University Wichita, Kansas 67208 April 15, 1976'. The remaining portion of the proposal is stored in the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - January to April - file 2' to ensure enhanced preservation.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - January to April - file 2

This file is the continuation of the document titled  'Preliminary Proposal Submitted to National Science Foundation Washington, D.C. by Regional Research Laboratory Hyderabad, India and Department of Chemistry Wichita State University Wichita, Kansas 67208 April 15, 1976' which is stored in the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - January to April - file 1' to ensure enhanced preservation.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - April to July

This contains documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Regional Research Laboratory Hyderabad (RRL), Hyderabad, and Wichita State University, Kansas, USA, on the 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project. The representatives of the two parties were PM Bhargava, Deputy Director of RRL, and Ram P Singhal from the Department of Chemistry at Wichita State University. The documents in this file date from April 1976 to July 1976. The letters in this file are either addressed to or written by Ram P Singhal from the Department of Chemistry at Wichita State University, GS Sidhu, and many more. The first letter in this file is addressed to Ram P Singhal. It includes several duplicates of certain pages from the 'Preliminary Proposal Submitted to National Science Foundation Washington, D.C. by Regional Research Laboratory Hyderabad, India and Department of Chemistry Wichita State University Wichita, Kansas 67208 April 15, 1976' as attachments. Each page is annotated differently; hence, they are preserved. This file also includes two copies of a few other documents, since all these have different annotations on them. This file contains letters with enclosures, which are preserved in their original state. A single letter is duplicated as it is included in two separate enclosures within the same file. This file contains a letter addressed to GN Sidhu, but the accompanying enclosure is absent. This file also has a small handwritten note.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 1

This file contains documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Regional Research Laboratory Hyderabad (RRL), Hyderabad, and Wichita State University, Kansas, USA, on the 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project. The representatives of the two parties were PM Bhargava, Deputy Director of RRL, and Ram P Singhal from the Department of Chemistry at Wichita State University. The documents in this file date from September 1976 to December 1976. The letters in this file are either addressed to or written by GSN Rao, GS Sidhu, and many more. This file contains a letter by GS Sidhu, which is accompanied by the project proposal on the topic 'Nutritional control of translational errors' as an enclosure. This letter also had a few draft versions of the project proposal, each with distinct annotations, and some other documents attached. Even though the drafts and documents are not mentioned as enclosures in the letter, they were found along with the aforementioned letter and thus are retained as found. These proposal drafts and the documents attached are further divided and stored in multiple files labelled as 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 2 to file 9' for better preservation, but the original order is retained. The fair project proposal document has the date 'November 1976'.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 3

This file comprises the third part of the research proposal titled 'Nutritional Control of Translational Errors', originally dated November 1976. The last section of this file also includes the first part of the attached documents referenced in the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 1'.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 3

The file includes the third part of the attached documents referenced in the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 1'. 

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 4

The file includes the fourth part of the attached documents referenced in the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 1'. This file also has a few handwritten documents.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 6

The file includes the sixth part of the attached documents referenced in the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 1'. This file also contains an unfilled 'Research Objectives' form and a few handwritten notes.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 7

The file includes the seventh part of the attached documents referenced in the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 1'. This file also contains a few handwritten notes.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 8

The file includes the eighth part of the attached documents referenced in the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 1'. This file also contains a few handwritten notes.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 9

The file includes the ninth part of the attached documents referenced in the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 1'. All the documents in this file are handwritten.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1977 - June - file 1

This contains documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Regional Research Laboratory Hyderabad (RRL), Hyderabad, and Wichita State University, Kansas, USA, on the 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project. The representatives of the two parties were PM Bhargava, Deputy Director of RRL, and Ram P Singhal from the Department of Chemistry at Wichita State University. The documents in this file date from June 1977. This file contains two copies of a letter that R Vaidyeswaran wrote and addressed to KN Johry, heading of the International Scientific Collaboration. Both duplicates are preserved as they each include distinct annotations. Enclosed with the letter is the project proposal on 'Nutritional Control of Translational Errors', which is further divided into parts and saved in files titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1977 - June - file 2' and 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1977 - June to November' for better preservation. This file contains the first part of the project proposal on 'Nutritional Control of Translational Errors'

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1977 - June - file 2

This file contains the second part of the project proposal on 'Nutritional Control of Translational Errors'. Thus, this file is a continuation of the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1977 - June - file 1'.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1977 - June to November

The first section of the file contains the third part of the project proposal on 'Nutritional Control of Translational Errors'. Thus, the first section of this file is a continuation of the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1977 - June - file 1'. However, the second section of the file contains two letters from 1977 pertaining to the collaboration between the Regional Research Laboratory Hyderabad (RRL), Hyderabad, and Wichita State University, Kansas, USA, on the 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project. Both of these letters are addressed to KN Johry, Head of the International Scientific Collaboration at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research that are not a part of this project proposal. This file also contains the handwritten address of KN Johry's office. The documents in this file are from June 1977 to November 1977.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1978 - February to June

This contains documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Regional Research Laboratory Hyderabad (RRL), Hyderabad, and Wichita State University, Kansas, USA, on the 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project. The representatives of the two parties were PM Bhargava, Deputy Director of RRL, and Ram P Singhal from the Department of Chemistry at Wichita State University. The documents in this file date from February 1978 to June 1978. This file contains letters either addressed to or written by A Rahman, Chief of Planning of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Mit Singh, Under Secretary of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, and many more. The majority of the letters in this file have letters and documents as enclosures, which are retained as found.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1978 - July to December

This contains documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Regional Research Laboratory Hyderabad (RRL), Hyderabad, and Wichita State University, Kansas, USA, on the 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project. The representatives of the two parties were PM Bhargava, Deputy Director of RRL, and Ram P Singhal from the Department of Chemistry at Wichita State University. The documents in this file date from July 1978 to December 1978. This file contains letters either addressed to or written by Mit Singh, Under Secretary of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Head of the International Scientific Collaboration at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, and many more. The majority of the letters in this file have enclosures, and these are retained as found. This file also has a small handwritten note.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1979 - January to September - file 1

This contains documents pertaining to the collaboration between the Regional Research Laboratory Hyderabad (RRL), Hyderabad, and Wichita State University, Kansas, USA, on the 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project. The documents in this file date from January 1979 to September 1979. Annamaria Torriana-Gorini, Department of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, was added as a new collaborative party for this project this year. PM Bharghava's affiliation also changed during this period. He started representing the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, which continued to be a part of RRL. This file contains letters either addressed to or written by KN Johry, Head of the International Scientific Collaboration at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, M Boris Rotman, Division of Biology and Medicine, Brown University, and many more. The majority of the letters in this file have enclosures, which are retained as found. The file includes a letter authored by PM Bhargava and addressed to KN Johry, dated 10 September, 1979. This letter includes the revised research proposal titled 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors', with the names of all three parties mentioned, as an enclosure. A few pages of this enclosure are stored in this file. However, the remaining pages are further divided into two more parts and stored in files titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1979 - January to September - file 2' and 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1979 - January to September - file 3' for better preservation.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1979 - January to September - file 2

This file has the second part of the research proposal titled 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors'. Thus, this file is a continuation of the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1979 - January to September - file 1'.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1979 - January to September - file 3

The initial section of the file has the third part of the research proposal titled 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors'. Thus, this file is a continuation of the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1979 - January to September - file 2'. This file also includes a telex correspondence addressed to KN Johry from PM Bhargava, which is not a part of the research proposal, but is stored in the last section of this file.

First revised and annotated draft of 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' - part 1

This file contains the first part of the revised and annotated draft of the 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors.' It has the names of all three people who worked on it: PM Bhargava, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Regional Research Laboratory, RP Singhal from the Department of Chemistry at the Wichita State University, and Annamaria Torriana-Gorini from the Department of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. This draft is further divided into six parts for better preservation. This research proposal is stored in multiple files but is retained as originally found. This file also contains two handwritten notes with two different dates, which are retained in the initial section of the file.

First revised and annotated draft of 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' - part 2

This file contains the second part of the revised and annotated draft of the 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors.' It has the names of all three people who worked on it: PM Bhargava, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Regional Research Laboratory, RP Singhal from the Department of Chemistry at the Wichita State University, and Annamaria Torriana-Gorini from the Department of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. This draft is further divided into six parts for better preservation. 

First revised and annotated draft of 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' - part 3

This file contains the third part of the revised and annotated draft of the 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors.' It has the names of all three people who worked on it: PM Bhargava, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Regional Research Laboratory, RP Singhal from the Department of Chemistry at the Wichita State University, and Annamaria Torriana-Gorini from the Department of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. This draft is further divided into six parts for better preservation. 

Second revised and annotated draft of 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' - part 1

Another iteration of the revised and annotated draft of the 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' exists, and it is also stored since the annotations in this version differ from the previous one. This draft is further divided into six parts for better preservation, and this file contains the first part of this draft. This file also contains a short handwritten note with a date on it, which is retained as found.

Second revised and annotated draft of 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' - part 2

Another iteration of the revised and annotated draft of the 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' exists, and it is also stored since the annotations in this version differ from the previous one. This draft is further divided into six parts for better preservation, and this file contains the second part of this draft.

Second revised and annotated draft of 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' - part 3

Another iteration of the revised and annotated draft of the 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' exists, and it is also stored since the annotations in this version differ from the previous one. This draft is further divided into six parts for better preservation, and this file contains the third part of this draft.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1975 - file 2

This file contains the second part of the project proposal on 'Nutritional control of translational errors'. Due to its large size and the need for proper preservation, this individual document is stored in a separate file. This file is the continuation of the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1975 - file 1'.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 4

The file includes the second part of the attached documents referenced in the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 1'. Due to its large size and the need for proper preservation, this individual document is stored in a separate file.

Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 5

The file includes the fifth part of the attached documents referenced in the file titled 'Documents pertaining to collaboration between RRL and Wichita State University on 'Nutritional control of translational errors' project from 1976 - September to December - file 1'. This file also has a few handwritten documents.

Correspondence regarding the humanitarian mission to Bhopal

This file contains correspondence regarding the humanitarian mission to Bhopal and a proposal for an international medical commission on Bhopal. It also contains a report of the preparatory meeting of the national organizing committee for the International Medical Commission on Bhopal. Enclosures are retained as found.

Correspondence regarding the Bhopal gas tragedy and Curriculum Vitae

This file contains a write-up on the Bhopal gas disaster and correspondence by Satinath Sarangi of the National Organizing Committee for the International Medical Commission on Bhopal. This file also has a list of members of the Bhopal Medical Investigation team with a brief summary of their curriculum vitae. Enclosures are retained as found. The remaining enclosures can be found in 'Curriculum Vitae enclosed with correspondence by Satinath Sarangi - 1' and 'Curriculum Vitae enclosed with correspondence by Satinath Sarangi - 2'

Curriculum Vitae enclosed with correspondence by Satinath Sarangi - 1

This file contains the curriculum vitae of members of the International Medical Commission on Bhopal. These files were enclosed with a letter by Satinath Sarangi of the National Organizing Committee for the International Medical Commission on Bhopal. For correspondence refer to 'Correspondence regarding the Bhopal gas tragedy and Curriculum Vitae' and the remaining enclosures can be found in 'Curriculum Vitae enclosed with correspondence by Satinath Sarangi - 2'.

Curriculum Vitae enclosed with correspondence by Satinath Sarangi - 2

This file contains the curriculum vitae of members of the International Medical Commission on Bhopal. These files were enclosed with a letter by Satinath Sarangi of the National Organizing Committee for the International Medical Commission on Bhopal. For correspondence refer to 'Correspondence regarding the Bhopal gas tragedy and Curriculum Vitae' and the other enclosures can be found in 'Curriculum Vitae enclosed with correspondence by Satinath Sarangi - 1'. This file also contains a letter from Satinath Sarangi to PM Bhargava.

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