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Setting up of Method of Science Exhibition - NCERT - file 1

This file consists of the list of materials that were used to set up the Method of Science Exhibition in Delhi when it was under the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). This file also includes guidelines for the personnel regarding the tasks required for the setup of the exhibition. This file includes a few handwritten notes too.

Setting up of CCMB - file 2

This file contains revised estimates for 1976-77and budget estimates for 1977-78, a note on the foreign exchange allotment, significant research work done at CCMB (1982-1983), and a report of the committee constituted by the Director-General, CSIR, to make recommendations on the proposal for the setting up of CCMB. Enclosures are retained as found. The first half of the file can be found in 'Setting up - file 1'.

Setting up of CCMB - file 1

This file contains a list of contents, documents on the justification for the location of the proposed centre for research and development at RRLH, and a provisional recommendation of the Director-General, CSIR. It also contains a draft charter for scientists and for CCMB along with a note on the method of selection of research fellows and a suggested budget for CCMB. Enclosures are retained as found. The remaining pages for this file can be found in 'Setting up - file 2'.

Seminar on Evolution of Indian Polity - 1966-75 and The Andhra Pradesh State Level Conference - 1976

This file includes a brochure from the 'Evolution of Indian Polity - 1966–75' seminar, which took place on January 25, 1976, at Vithal Bhai Patel House in New Delhi, organized by 'Educators for Secularism, Socialism and Democracy'. Another seminar organized by Educators for Secularism, Socialism and Democracy was 'The Andhra Pradesh State Level Conference' held from May 7–9, 1976, in Hyderabad. The seminar was on 'Aspects of National Educational Policy with Special Reference to Primary and Secondary Education'. The letter Syamsundar Rao exchanged with PM Bhargava inviting him to the conference can be found. Additionally, brochures and papers submitted for the conference are also present.

Seminar on Abolition of Death Penalty - 1980

This file contains invitations and papers presented at the Seminar on Abolition of Death Penalty in Hyderabad on 4 October, 1980, organised by Amnesty International. Additionally, the International Secretariat of Amnesty International provides an explanation of the organization's position on the death penalty. It outlines the rationale behind opposing the death penalty in all cases. The papers of Anjani Kumar Sinha and Avula Sambasiva Rao can be found, among others.

Seminar on 'Areas of National Priorities in R&D in the 1980s'

This file contains an invitation for the seminar on 'Areas of National Priorities in R&D in the 1980s' held on 3 and 4 February, 1981 in Hyderabad, organized by the 'Society of R&D Managers of India'. The programme schedule, list of invitees, and contributed papers for the seminar can also be found here. PM Bhargave wrote to Feroze Chandra on agreeing with a writeup titled 'SAI MAKES NONSENSE OF MATERIALS".

Sections V, VI & IX previous version - part 2

Contains draft of exhibition content from pages 40 to 58 and loose papers from two more booklets. Some pages are missing. For other versions of the draft refer to 'NCERT Exhibition' content draft - part 2 and 'Sections V, VI & IX' - part 2.

Sections V, VI & IX - part 1

Contains draft of exhibition content from pages 1 to 30. Pages 5 and 6 are missing. For earlier version of the draft refer to 'NCERT Exhibition' content draft - part 1

Second revised and annotated draft of 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' - part 3

Another iteration of the revised and annotated draft of the 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' exists, and it is also stored since the annotations in this version differ from the previous one. This draft is further divided into six parts for better preservation, and this file contains the third part of this draft.

Second revised and annotated draft of 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' - part 2

Another iteration of the revised and annotated draft of the 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' exists, and it is also stored since the annotations in this version differ from the previous one. This draft is further divided into six parts for better preservation, and this file contains the second part of this draft.

Second revised and annotated draft of 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' - part 1

Another iteration of the revised and annotated draft of the 'Research Proposal on Nutritional Control of Transitional Errors' exists, and it is also stored since the annotations in this version differ from the previous one. This draft is further divided into six parts for better preservation, and this file contains the first part of this draft. This file also contains a short handwritten note with a date on it, which is retained as found.

Second National Workshop on TCDC, May 1979

This file contains discussions and the programme schedule of the second National Workshop on TCDC organized from 30 to 31 May, 1979, in Hyderabad. A note from Indradev includes the topics covered in the meeting. The participants of the meeting were asked to register, and the registration form is enclosed with the programme schedule. A report of the meeting can be found. The files related to TCDC can also be found in 'Report of United Nations Conference on TCDC and TCDC News - January 1979'.

Scientific Programme at the occasion of the formal dedication of the new complex of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Hyderabad 500 007, India, by the Prime Minister, Shri Rajiv Gandhi, on Thursday, 26th November 1987

This file consists of the annexures that were to be sent as enclosures with the letters in 'Correspondence on invitation to formal dedication of new complex of CCMB to PM Rajiv Gandhi'. This file comprises two copies of the annexure, one of which has additional pages and annotations.

Science Today -2

This file contains September 1980 to January 1985 issues of 'The Method of Science' by PM Bhargava published in Science Today. The articles are arranged chronologically but many issues are missing. It also contains an annotated page and an original page from 1985 January issue.

Science Today - 1

This file contains January to August, 1980 issues of 'The Method of Science' by PM Bhargava published in Science Today. It also contains three letters about homeopathy and one more page from the January 1980 issue.

Schedule of Seminar on 'Evolution of Indian Polity: 1965–75' and Paper 'Evolution Indian Polity in the Third Decade of Independence: 1966–1976'

The file contains session details of the seminar on 'Evolution of Indian Polity' that was held on 25 January, 1976, in New Delhi. And it also includes a paper titled 'Evolution Indian Polity in the Third Decade of Independence: 1966–1976' by Rasheeduddin Khan.

Reports of various groups on the first session of Seminar on Management of Scientific Research Laboratories in Hyderabad

This file contains four reports of the first session of Groups A, B, C, and D, chaired by AS Rao, S Varadarajan, and MM Suri on a Seminar on Management of Scientific Research Laboratories held in Hyderabad on 10 October, 1970. It includes one paper titled 'Plenary Session I' by NP Sen dated 10 October, 1970.

Reports of various groups and list of participants at Seminar on Management of Scientific Research Laboratories in Hyderabad

This file contains four reports from Groups A, B, C and D by Baldev Singh, GS Sidhu and MM Suri on seminar dated 12 October, 1970. It includes the list of participants who attended the seminar and the Government of India Scientific Policy Resolution in the national seminar on Management of Scientific Research Laboratories. And the file also contains the background paper of the seminar titled 'Some considerations for setting up of pilot plants in developing countries'.

Reports of various groups and Integrated Report of Session I of Seminar on Management of Scientific Research Laboratories in Hyderabad

This file contains three reports from Groups B, C, and D chaired by S Varadarajan, GS Sidhu, and MM Suri on the National Seminar on Management of Scientific Research Laboratories held in Hyderabad on 11 October, 1970. It includes the Integrated Report of Session I by KD Sharma and GS Aurora.

Report of the Committee Appointed by the Governing Body of CSIR : to Review - and Make Recommendations in Regard to - the Plans of the CCMB - file 2

This file consists of a compilation that is in bound book form. This document includes a more in-depth report on the committee that the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) governing body appointed to make suggestions regarding the plans of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). This bound book includes a contents page, a diagram, and thirteen appendices. 'Report of the Committee Appointed by the Governing Body of CSIR : to Review - and Make Recommendations in Regard to - the Plans of the CCMB - file 1' is the same as this file. However, both copies are preserved since both have different annotations on the cover.

Report of the Committee Appointed by the Governing Body of CSIR : to Review - and Make Recommendations in Regard to - the Plans of the CCMB - file 1

This file consists of a compilation that is in bound book form. This document includes a more in-depth report on the committee that the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) governing body appointed to make suggestions regarding the plans of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB). This bound book includes a contents page, a diagram, and thirteen appendices. 'Report of the Committee Appointed by the Governing Body of CSIR : to Review - and Make Recommendations in Regard to - the Plans of the CCMB - file 2' is the same as this file. However, both copies are preserved since both have different annotations on the cover.

Report of United Nations Conference on TCDC and TCDC News - January 1979

This file contains a detailed report of the United Nations Conference on TCDC (Technical Transfer among Developing Countries) and the first issue of 'TCDC News' published in January 1979. The conference, also known as the Buenos Aires conference, was held from 30 August to 12 September, 1978. The first issue of 'TCDC News' was released with the objective of spreading news of action in cooperation among developing countries.

Receipts and slips pertaining to Helen Haldane's estate - file 1

This file contains the first set of receipts and slips pertaining to Helen Haldane's estate. It includes accompanying letters. The documents were found numbered from one to forty-eight and have been kept in the same order as found. An envelope containing currency notes has been added to this file by the archivist.

Provisional recommendations of the committee and justification for location of the proposed centre for research and development in cellular and molecular biology

This file contains provisional recommendations of the committee constituted by the Director-General, CSIR, to make recommendations on the proposal of the Regional Research Laboratory (RRL), Hyderabad, for setting up an Autonomous Advanced Centre for Molecular and Cellular Biology at RRL. It contains appendices and a justification for the location of the proposed centre for research and development in cellular and molecular biology at RRLH along with an annexure. This file also contains a few handwritten notes.

Proposed canteen block elevation - enclosure

This file contains an architectural drawing of the elevation of the proposed canteen block at CCMB, Hyderabad which was enclosed with a letter. It was signed on 6 February 1984. It is marked as DRG NO. 3. The letter can be found in the file 'Correspondence with associated architectural drawings'.

Proposed canteen block at CCMB, Hyderabad

This file has a drawing for the construction of the proposed canteen; the details of its cost are in 'CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1984 - file 2'. This is the architectural drawing of the 'Proposed canteen block at CCMB' and has annotations in a red sketch pen on it. Even though these floor plans lack a date, they were affixed to the 1984-dated budget estimates, hence retained with documents from 1984.

Proposed canteen block at CCMB, Hyderabad

This file has a drawing for the construction of the proposed canteen; the details of its cost are in 'CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1984 - file 2'. This is the architectural drawing of the 'Proposed canteen block at CCMB' and has annotations in a red sketch pen on it. Even though these floor plans lack a date, they were affixed to the 1984-dated budget estimates, hence retained with documents from 1984.

Proposed canteen block at CCMB, Hyderabad

This file has a drawing for the construction of the proposed canteen; the details of its cost are in 'CCMB's administrative and budgetary documents from 1984 - file 2'. This is the architectural drawing of the 'Proposed canteen block at CCMB' and has annotations in a red sketch pen on it. This also has a small handwritten note. Even though these floor plans lack a date, they were affixed to the 1984-dated budget estimates, hence retained with documents from 1984.

Results 101 to 150 of 1089