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Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - file 5

This file contains a paper presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' held from 27-29, April, 1983 at the University of Manchester. The paper presented by PM Bhargava can be found here. The other papers can be found in 'Correspondence on 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' and Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s'' - files 1-13.

Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - file 6

This file contains a paper presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' held from 27-29, April, 1983 at the University of Manchester. The paper presented by EJ Yoxen can be found here. The other papers can be found in 'Correspondence on 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' and papers presented at the seminar' and 'Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - file 1-12'.

Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - file 7

This file contains a paper presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' held from 27-29, April, 1983 at the University of Manchester. The paper presented by Harry Rothman can be found here. The other papers can be found in 'Correspondence on 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' and paper presented at the seminar' and 'Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - files 1-12'.

Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - file 8

This file contains papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' held from 27-29, April, 1983 at the University of Manchester. The paper presented by Roy Rothwell and Ashok Parthasarathy can be found here. The other papers can be found in 'Correspondence on 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' and Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s'' - files 1-13.

Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - file 9

This file contains a paper presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' held from 27-29, April, 1983 at the University of Manchester. The paper presented by Surajit Sinha can be found here. The other papers can be found in 'Correspondence on 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' and Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s'' - files 1-13.

Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - file 10

This file contains an abstract and a paper presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' held from 27-29, April, 1983 at the University of Manchester. The paper presented by RG Courtney can be found here. The other papers can be found in 'Correspondence on 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' and Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s'' - files 1-13.

Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - file 11

This file contains draft of a paper presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' held from 27-29, April, 1983 at the University of Manchester. The paper presented by BM Udgaonkar can be found here. The other papers can be found in 'Correspondence on 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' and Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s'' - files 1-13.

Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' - file 12

This file contains a paper read before the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' held from 27-29, April, 1983 at the University of Manchester. The paper titled 'Notes on the evolution of technology and international competition' was prepared by JS Metcalfe. The abstract and papers of D Spani and K Subramanian are also present. The other papers can be found in 'Correspondence on 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s' and Papers presented at the 'ICSSR/SSRC Workshop, Science and Technology Policy in the 1980s'' - files 1-13.

Notes on discussion of the 'Round-Table Discussion' titled 'Biotechnology and the Third World'

This file contains notes on the round-table discussion titled 'Biotechnology and the Third World' organized by the International Center for Law in Development and the Council on International and Public Affairs. The discussion took place in New York on 15 September, 1983. Additionally, a list of participants can also be found. The paper presented can be found in '''Paper presented at the round table discussion 'Biotechnology and the Third World'".

Paper presented at the round table discussion 'Biotechnology and the Third World'

This file contains papers presented at the round-table discussion titled 'Biotechnology and the Third World' organized by the International Center for Law in Development and the Council on International and Public Affairs. The discussion took place in New York on 15 September, 1983. Additional files can also be found in "'Notes on 'Round-table discussion' titled 'Biotechnology and the Third World'".

Correspondence regarding 1985 Guha Research Conference

This file contains a letter with enclosures regarding GRC, the pages of which are stuck together. The file includes a copy of the minutes of the 21st meeting of the GRC held in Manali in March 1984, a certificate of registration of the society, and the constitution and rules and regulations of the GRC.

International Seminar on Science, Technology and Society in Developing Countries - 13-17 November, 1979 - transport arrangements, question/comment form, invitation notes, programme schedule, brochure and a handwritten note

Transport arrangements, a form for expressing questions or comments, invitation notes, programme schedule of the seminar, brochure and handwritten notes. The seminar's goal was to discuss societal expectations from science as well as alternatives for scientific research and technological development.

File for AP State Level Conference organised by 'Educators for Secularism, Socialism and Democracy'

This file includes a file for the seminar titled 'AP State Level Conference on aspects of national educational policy with special reference to primary and secondary education' organised by Educators for Secularism, Socialism and Democracy. The brochures and papers presented at the seminar and other seminar organised by the Educators for Secularism, Socialism and Democracy can be found in 'Seminar on Evolution of Indian Polity - 1966-75 and The Andhra Pradesh State Level Conference - 1976' and 'All India Conference - 1976'.

Correspondence regarding 'World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion' and contribution of papers to the conference - file 1

This file contains letters exchanged between PM Bhargava and Raja Hamsa Das regarding contributing papers to the conference 'World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion' to be held from 10-13 January, 1986 in Bombay. PM Bhargava's paper titled, 'Are we alone in the Universe? : the origin of life on earth' is enclosed along with the letter.

Correspondence regarding 'World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion' and contribution of papers to the conference - file 2

This file contains letters exchanged between PM Bhargava and Raja Hamsa Das regarding the 'World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion' held from January 10–13, 1986, in Bombay. The guidelines for writing a paper and an invitation to register for the conference can be found here. A letter on organizing a seminar on 'Biochemical Education Symposium' by SBC. The seminar intended to discuss issues related to biochemical education. The letter encloses the list for sending communications for the seminar. Additionally, a paper on 'An Education in Inefficiency' submitted to the symposium by Arati R Jerat can also be found.

Correspondence on 'Social Perspective of Generation/Utilisation of Indigenous Science and Technology' and 'Biochemical Roles of Eukaryotic Cell Surface Macromolecules'

This file contains letters exchanged between A Rahman, PM Bhargava, JN Baruah, and Vinod Gaur on organizing the national seminar on Social Perspective of Generation/Utilisation of Indigenous Science and Technology'. It includes letters exchanged between BK Bachhawat and PM Bhargava on organizing the international symposium on 'Biochemical Roles of Eukaryotic Cell Surface Macromolecules'.

Correspondence on 'Social Perspective of Generation/Utilisation of Indigenous Science and Technology'

This file contains letters exchanged between A Rahman, PM Bhargava, NVK Murthy, MA Qureshi, and Vinod Gaur regarding the national seminar on Social Perspective of Generation/Utilisation of Indigenous Science and Technology', and programme schedule of the seminar. It includes a paper titled 'Physiology of Osmoregulation in Microorganisms'.

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